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Subject: Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to women

maid sylvie
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Date Posted: 18:09:15 01/08/13 Tue
In reply to: Donna Wilson 's message, "Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to women" on 10:42:59 05/05/12 Sat

>> I have and always wanted to be feminized and changed
>>by a women to serve her and the household. I do work
>>from home and can work from anywhere in the world ,
>>well as long as theres a internet connection. How can
>>us men who want this transformation meet a women and
>>become her feminized husband? Do you know women who
>>are looking for us men? Please help us! Thank you
>Hi (I don't know what to call you),
>There are many women out there, including me, who
>would love to find a man that she could feminize.
>Because of the way society is going today, I think you
>will find it easier to find a woman to accept you than
>it would have been 20 years ago.
>Because of the changing world, it made it easier for
>me to raise my son to be feminine. He is now living
>with his girlfriend who is continuing the process.
>Don't get discouraged the right woman is out there for
>you. Just a word of advice though, when you make a
>post like this, please make sure your grammar is
>right. I suspect that English may be a 2nd language
>for you, which is ok, but use the editor to correct
>your spelling.
>Your post should have read:
>I have and always wanted to be feminized and changed
>by a woman to serve her and the household. I work from
>home and can work from anywhere in the world, as long
>as there's an internet connection.
>How can men, who want this transformation, meet a
>woman and become her feminized husband? Do you know
>women who are looking for men like me? Please help us!
>Thank you
>I hope this helps and good luck!
personally I have done this off and on for a while and the idea of it totally thrills me

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Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to womenCarla07:34:26 02/25/13 Mon

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