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Subject: Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to women

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Date Posted: 07:34:26 02/25/13 Mon
In reply to: maid sylvie 's message, "Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to women" on 18:09:15 01/08/13 Tue

>>> I have and always wanted to be feminized and changed
>>>by a women to serve her and the household. I do work
>>>from home and can work from anywhere in the world ,
>>>well as long as theres a internet connection. How can
>>>us men who want this transformation meet a women and
>>>become her feminized husband? Do you know women who
>>>are looking for us men? Please help us! Thank you
>>Hi (I don't know what to call you),
>>There are many women out there, including me, who
>>would love to find a man that she could feminize.
>>Because of the way society is going today, I think you
>>will find it easier to find a woman to accept you than
>>it would have been 20 years ago.
>>Because of the changing world, it made it easier for
>>me to raise my son to be feminine. He is now living
>>with his girlfriend who is continuing the process.
>>Don't get discouraged the right woman is out there for
>>you. Just a word of advice though, when you make a
>>post like this, please make sure your grammar is
>>right. I suspect that English may be a 2nd language
>>for you, which is ok, but use the editor to correct
>>your spelling.
>>Your post should have read:
>>I have and always wanted to be feminized and changed
>>by a woman to serve her and the household. I work from
>>home and can work from anywhere in the world, as long
>>as there's an internet connection.
>>How can men, who want this transformation, meet a
>>woman and become her feminized husband? Do you know
>>women who are looking for men like me? Please help us!
>>Thank you
>>I hope this helps and good luck!
>personally I have done this off and on for a while and
>the idea of it totally thrills me
I have been a feminine male my whole life, I went through considering myself a TV, a transsexual, and gay. the names don't mstter. I have so many inner feminine characteristics. I always longed to look feminine and would imagine myself as a cute little girl. I had crushes on boys and admired strong assertive girls. I was very naive when it came to sex, but I still managed to make out with a male friend of mine.we gave each other oral sex and I felt so good!He was bigger and stronger than I was SMALL PETITE AND DELICATE. He asked me if I would be his girlfriend!1 I was overjoyed. We went to the mall and he bought me a slip, and some other lingerie.

I felt like his queen I literally fell in love with him. Others noticed and became Carla the sissy. Werll, the pressure became too much for Tommy and he broke up with me. By then, I was wearing girls underwear and pastel colors. I was what was then called a full fledged sissy.
A tomboy named Gail felt sorry for me and took me under her wing as her little sissy. She helped me style my hair and taught me all kind of things girls stuff.I found another boyfriend and became his girl. I was a full fledged homosexual teenager. By then I graduated high school and went off to college. I had been tormented for being a queer as we were called then, so I went into the closet.
It did not take long for my femininity to be noticed and a very assertive girl took me under her wing. She was very knowledgeable in domme and sub relationships and I became her sissy slave.I becam ehr obedient sissy. She taught me that as a male i was subservient to women and my role was to serve her in any way or manner she wished. I became quite a fashion conscious "girl" and my appearance was very feminine. We began a regimen of Premarin, her birth control pills, for me and my breasts and body developed in a very feminine way. I loved the girl I became. Eventually my mistress drifted toward a lesbian lover and we broke up. I was approached by a frat rat and became his lover, Well, as my talents were great I was passed around the fraternity as a queer lover. I loved the humiliation and flourished.

More later, my female husband says enough of me and I must make her breakfast

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Re: Men looking to be completely feminized and married to womensisyvikki (cock slut)03:40:49 04/19/13 Fri

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