Assertive Women - Feminized Men Welcome - This Forum is for the Radical Feminists of the 21st Century that have had enough of Patriarchal Control. This Forum is for Women and Girls that want to take the Assertive Lead in the 21st Century while turning the tables on Men and boys and taking a Gender Role Reversed Philosophy into the 21st Century. If Women want to be in "Control" they first need to "Take" that Control from the men and boys. While women and girls become more Assertive and Strong, they need to Encourage Men and Boys to be "In-Touch" with their Feminine and "Docile" side. By Women encouraging the males in their lives to become "Pretty" and "Sweet", to Look "Nice" for the Women's pleasures, as men have insisted that women do for them for centuries, it will create a Better, Less Violent and Less Aggressive World. By Men adopting a "Traditionally Feminine" Attitude and "Dress Code", the Women will Take the "Stress' away from men, and let the men experience the Greatness of Male Femininity! We Need Women that are Assertive and Independent to achieve this Wonderful Goal!