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Sunday, February 23, 01:22:20amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]
Subject: Michael Moore

Wade A. Tisthammer
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Date Posted: 09/26/04 10:14pm
In reply to: Biff 's message, "...and speaking of Farenheit 9-11" on 09/17/04 9:17pm

>I spent real money to go see something that I expected
>to be of the calibre of "Bowling for Columbine." I got
>a two-and-a-half hour campaign ad. I was at first
>intrigued, then insulted, then bored. Finally I
>decided it was ridiculous to the point of laughable.
>That's my review of the week.

I doubt Bowling for Columbine was much better. At first I was sympathetic (I'm very pro-gun control) and liked the documentary. But I later found out it was pretty misleading.

Case in point, remember Charlton Heston and the NRA going in after the the Columbine shootings?

Moore said, “Just ten days after the Columbine killings, despite the pleas of a community in mourning, Charlton Heston came to Denver and held a large pro-gun rally for the National Rifle Association.”

Here I'm thinking, Charlton Heston, that bastard. But what he leaves out is that the NRA planned the meeting years in advance, and that they cancelled every event they could legally cancel (several days of luncheons, exhibits etc.). The only event they didn't cancel was the annual meeting, which the law required be held. The meeting could be legally rescheduled--if at least 10 days notice in advance is given to the members. Of course, this couldn’t be feasibly done. So the NRA was stuck with not much choice but to hold the annual meeting days after the Columbine shooting. But Moore leaves this fact out and terribly misleads the viewer with words like “Just ten days after the Columbine killings—despite pleas of a community in mourning…”

This is not an isolated incident. Things like these happened frequently throughout the documentary.

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