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Subject: Well, kind of...

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Date Posted: 09/18/04 5:02am
In reply to: Ben 's message, "You're kidding me, right?" on 09/17/04 7:15pm


OK, OK - I guess I have to explain a little. I just wanted to respond to the first post of this thread with the same kind of mindless rhetoric...

>You've gotta be freaking kidding me here, right? Bush
>is one of the worst presidents I've ever even heard
>of. In four more years, he might actually be able to
>finish what he started... destroying our country.

I think it's a question of lesser of two evils. While Bush may be a bad president, what's the alternative?

>When I see him on television, I think, "I can't
>believe this man runs our country."

Ben, he may be stupidly-spoken, but again, should we elect a Democrat instead?

>He has no
>qualifications to run an entire country, no
>understanding of the nuances of foreign relations, no
>empathy for anyone who isn't rich, no tolerance for
>anyone who doesn't agree with him, no recognition of
>any value in education beyond high test scores, and no
>qualms with sending hundreds of thousands of people to
>war for oil

>while ignoring the very real threat of
>nuclear missles in North Korea.

By the way... How *did* those nuclear missles get into North Korea? I'll give you a hint, in the form of an altered quote:

"I did not give nuclear power plants to that country... North Korea."

>It scares me that he is in office... it makes me fear
>the general population of America that elected him.

Why are you afraid?

I mean, I have to be completely honest with you, the shit the Democratic party pulls is equally scary - and what scares me most is what'll happen in Iraq if the presidency changes parties this election - now, regardless of the reasons we're there, we *are* there. And Democrats have a nearly unbroken track record of poorly handling military endeavours.

And what scares me more are the claims they're making about health care - "We'll reduce health care premiums and increase coverage! We'll make sure everyone gets health care!"

I mean, it's a great intention - and that's the problem with the sugar-coated intention-laden Democratic platform. It sounds great, until you start asking hard questions, like

How will you handle the mess in Iraq?

How, exactly, do you plan to "increase health care coverage" and "decrease health insurance premiums," without bankrupting the health care system?

HOW will you do any of the things you're claiming to do?!!?

It scares me, frankly, because the Democratic party has never been completely honest with us about how they intend to do the things they want to do:

Increase social programs and decrease taxes at the same time

Save Social Security while at the same time making sure everyone receives more benefits from Social Security while at the same time not increasing our Social Security taxes significantly

Make sure everyone gets health care, even those who can't pay for it, but still fully compensate the health care industry so it doesn't go bankrupt, yet not raising taxes to pay for indigent patients...

I mean, they're great ideas, and they sound nice, but they just don't add up - someone's getting shafted here, and just because they don't say who, we're all content to listen and "ooh" and "ahh" and drool all over ourselves about how "compassionate" and "caring" the Democratic party is.

They've again and again cannibalized entire industries (the health care industry is the carcass they're currently feasting on) and then wondered such things as, "Gee... Wonder why doctors are getting less and less skilled these days?" Or, "Gee... Wonder why all of America's integrated steel companies have gone out of business... Damn those Mexicans and Chinese for their unfair competition!"

It's a road to ruin, and what scares me most is the people who would elect a Democratic leader are content to listen to the line they're being fed, and convince themselves it's true, without really examining the claims that are being made. It's a more insidious kind of stupid than the kind of stupid we accuse Bush's supporters of.

Anyways, that's my piece. And if you're really curious about my true political leanings, here it is, in a nutshell (i'm more than happy to discuss it in detail, but here are the highlights)

"Democrats are lying theives, Republicans are religious nutjobs. Vote Libertarian."


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A quick response for nowBen09/18/04 11:12am

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