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Sunday, February 23, 01:11:42amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]
Subject: Wow - you made an amazingly good point....

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Date Posted: 09/28/04 3:01am
In reply to: Damolcese 's message, "A quick cast to a fractured post" on 09/27/04 10:42am

Holy crap - I think what you said is a damning rebuttal to all those people who love to trot out the old tired, "Well Canada has socialized medicine, and it works real good" argument.

>Kerry did seem to have an affinity for using Canadian
>drugs, which is about the worst idea ever. The
>Canadian healthcare system relies on one hidden
>assumption that no one seems to recognize; the
>assumption that the US will always be making these new
>drugs that will work better that they can then turn
>into a generic form. They get a free ride without
>having to pay for the cost of that free ride. Someone
>has to get stuck with the bill, and it seems like we
>are the ones stuck.

Exactly right - Socialism feeds the ambitious, productive, hard-working members of society to the ambitionless, unproductive leeches. It's an affront to anyone who's ever worked for an honest wage, or who ever had the balls to start their own business. And, you're absolutely right!

Canada's "awesome" socialist health care system is feeding off our pharmaceutical industry - and that's another wonderful reason why OUR health care costs are so high.

>Hence, Canadian pharmaceuticals are a market that's
>reliant directly on the US to do its central job. No R
>and D costs, cheap drugs for everybody. We, on the
>other hand, can't quite pull that off because the
>market in Canada for drugs is made explicitly with
>Canada in mind. It undermines the whole premise of
>"the US will pick up the cost of this shit" because
>we're buying our own drugs back that were expensive to
>develop in the first place. Might that discourage new
>research and more effective drugs coming to market?
>You bet. It's the equivalent of shooting ourselves in
>the foot. There are no easy healhcare solutions.

Oh - and by the way, I saw another Kerry ad about healthcare tonight. What it said was, "He'll put pressure on drug companies and health insurance companies to lower the costs of health care."

I'm absolutely flabbergasted! I can't believe he'd actually admit to being a Communist like that. I can only guess that what he means by "put pressure on" is that he'll "make" them charge less money for the same service? What kind of bullshit "glorious 5-year plan" sort of crap is this?

There are easy solutions to just about every single "crisis" we have in this country. The only problem is that the beauracracies that would be done away with because of the solutions will fight tooth and nail for survival.

Here are 2 examples of simple solutions that we couldn't implement because of the entrenched public infrastructures they would kill:

Education: privatize it.
Helath care: Kill medicare and medicaid, implement Medical IRAs

Argh. Kerry is a communist. And he expects us to swallow his hand-wavy nifty-sounding faux-compassionate platform...



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ThanksDamoclese09/28/04 2:42pm

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