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Sunday, February 23, 01:04:24amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]
Subject: Thanks

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Date Posted: 09/28/04 2:42pm
In reply to: Duane 's message, "Wow - you made an amazingly good point...." on 09/28/04 3:01am

>Holy crap - I think what you said is a damning
>rebuttal to all those people who love to trot out the
>old tired, "Well Canada has socialized medicine, and
>it works real good" argument.

It does work "real good" for Canada. They get their medicine for cheap, and mounties. What better life is there?

>Oh - and by the way, I saw another Kerry ad about
>healthcare tonight. What it said was, "He'll put
>pressure on drug companies and health insurance
>companies to lower the costs of health care."

Yeah, I saw that one too. I have no idea how he intends to do that, and "gangsta healthcare" tactics are only going to force both of those entities to make up their lost profit elsewhere.

>I'm absolutely flabbergasted! I can't believe he'd
>actually admit to being a Communist like that. I can
>only guess that what he means by "put pressure on" is
>that he'll "make" them charge less money for the same
>service? What kind of bullshit "glorious 5-year plan"
>sort of crap is this?

Right, he's going to poke here so American people think he's done some good, only to have all of it jab out the other side.

I guess it'd be sorta like making a video game company sell all their games for ten bucks. They aren't going to simply eat that loss. Their going to come up with annoying shit like subscription services and extra stuff that you only get if you buy it at the price it was supposed to be.

>There are easy solutions to just about every single
>"crisis" we have in this country. The only problem is
>that the beauracracies that would be done away with
>because of the solutions will fight tooth and nail for

That's true. Beauracracy seems to be the rule nowadays, and anything new or different won't be done because it's never been that way.

>Here are 2 examples of simple solutions that we
>couldn't implement because of the entrenched public
>infrastructures they would kill:
>Education: privatize it.

I think this would solve quite a few educational problems, but at the same time I'd begin to fear a stratified educational system where the people who have more money get better education. (You know, sort of like the way college universities are now)

>Helath care: Kill medicare and medicaid, implement
>Medical IRAs

If people weren't idiots, this would work. Unfortunately, after seeing the people on medicare and medicaid, the idiot concentration is high.

>Argh. Kerry is a communist. And he expects us to
>swallow his hand-wavy nifty-sounding
>faux-compassionate platform...

It DOES sound good on the surface, it just lacks substance. Much like Michael Moore.

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