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Subject: Warn of Warnke

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Date Posted: 08/28/06 1:18pm
In reply to: Chuck 's message, "Mike Warnke" on 05/ 1/06 6:51pm

I was a young believer influenced by the ministry of Mike Warnke. Fortunately for me, my faith was not based on his testimony alone, but on my own perosnbal spiritual experience. Nevertheless, I was deeply dismayed when the truth revealed that Mr. Warnke was a fraud. IT seemed obvious that he employed a great deal of exageration and hyperbole for effect. And indeed much of it seemed far-fetched, but I alway trusted there to be some truth at the root. Evidentally, not much.

I never did read the Satan Seller or felt compelled to delv into all that dark detial. But I appreciated the the positive message that he had. Perhaps that was his cover; that so many in his audience were NOT interested in chasing down the details of his past that no one apparently verified that any of it was really true for many years.

As for believers accepting him again. As a fellow believer who has repented, we should try to accept his apology (assuming that he has given one ??) but look for evidence of his sincerity. But him as a leader? Come-on!! The standards are very different for leadership roles. Read your Bible. If we are under any obligation Biblically, it is to NOT allow him into the pulpit and to warn others of Warnke.


>If Warnke truly wants a second chance, he would come
>clean and admit the complete fabrication that was his
>Satanic testimony, as well as defrauding countless
>fans who thought they were contributing to his
>"ministry", only to have that $$$ squandered for his
>personal use...even Jim Bakker, whose misdeeds were
>far greater than Warnke's, fully admitted his past
>misdeeds, going so far as to call his tell-all book
>from a few years back "I Was Wrong".
>Has Warnke truly acknowledged all his past misdeeds?
>No, he just continues to play the part of a martyr,
>battered and broken from alleged attacks by fellow
>Christians...instead of coming clean like Bakker, his
>2002 book "Friendly Fire" sees Warnke trying to link
>himself w/genuine victims of Christian persecution. Is
>it any wonder why he hasn't come close to achieving
>his former vogue since the Cornerstone expose was
>No matter what good he's done, the end doesn't justify
>the means (Prov).

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Hmm a real leader or a fake leader which one?Jim Saffen (A long time ago)03/14/07 12:57am

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