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Subject: Some comments

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Date Posted: 01/ 2/03 9:18pm
In reply to: ozboy 's message, "Religious Fundamentalism as a Psychological Disorder" on 12/31/02 3:00am

I too, thought this article made some excellent points--namely that what would be considered the babblings of the insane is acceptable within the adherents of Christianity.

I think a corollary point to the one this article makes is that the people who tend to pick up these ideas are people who are not mentally stable in the first place. I think perhaps in the majority of these cases, belief actually benefits them. However, for the more extreme cases it only serves to galvanize an instinct that doesn't need any further nuturing; to wit, paranoia and preoccupation with meglomanic sorts of notions of justice.

The problem of it all is that inasmuch as one might be able to classify this particular meme as detrimental, I'm not so sure that that an extreme rationalist/empiricist meme wouldn't be equally as bad. (e.g. My senses shall divine the ultimate nature of some sort of true reality and I shall confer that reality upon others in a whim). However, as memes obliquely require competition and adaptation, I suspect that this criticism might hold true for any philosophy that has held sway for any number of years. Put bluntly, those ideas have survived by virtue of being mutable.

I guess then, the real question essentially boils down to what is deranged enough for us to consider it truly deranged? How crazy is crazy? The line is difficult to draw.


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A sharp edgeozboy01/14/03 9:41am

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