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Saturday, March 15, 05:36:25amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Stones of different colors

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Date Posted: 02/24/03 12:50pm
In reply to: ozboy 's message, "White stone Black stone" on 02/21/03 10:37pm

ozboy, you wrote, in part: >>> Democracy it's about how we are governed. ... It is about the real world. ... <<<
.... Yes, but so should be also religion. Go back into the very beginnings of many religions, and you probably will find an idealist who wanted to improve the way people interact.

>>> ... The western world is secular ... religion is an add on that some need and many don't want. Since the separation of church and state the secular allows religion to exist with in its boundaries. Not the other way around which used to be. ... <<<
..... Yes, at one time the church authorities were the government, and they made a mess of things, so that people eventually insisted on a non-church, secular, government. Religions evolve, they replace a theoretical idealism with something else that "works" (definition?) in practice. For example, the original Christianity consisted of a special kind of "loving" community with a communal lifestyle, whose membership was restricted to only those who were pledged to OBEY God at all times, to be poor (money wasn't needed in that community), not to sin anymore, and to be chaste. See Acts 2:44-47 and Acts 4:32-37. Compare with life within religious orders such as the Franciscans, for example, or "utopian communities" such as the Shakers, or the pioneering, religious Kibbutzim in Israel.

>>> ... You can't include one without offening another because religions simply don't like each other. ... <<<
..... No, they are in competition for believers' money (a voluntary tax?), and like any other business they try to maximize their net profits. Hopefully those who provide money, goods or free services to religious "authorities" will get full value for their donations (after they are dead?)

>>> ... God is man's biggest mistake and many see this as an opportunity to rid the world of the dangerous fairytale. <<<
..... Those who KNOW that their prayers to God have brought favorable results have PROOF that God exists (for them). All others find that they can get along quite well without God, and they usually go their own way, never mind what their religion says or even requires them to do or not to do. It used to be that people were FORCED to "believe" a particular set of unenforced, even ignored in practice religious teachings, but now one can choose whether to belong to an organized religion or not, if so, to which of the very many religions and to which of its possibly many versions/denominations.
..... I expect that in the eventual EU constitution God will NOT be mentioned, but that there will be some statement indicating that there will be (an ambiguous mention of) "religious freedom"

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