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Subject: White stone Black stone

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Date Posted: 02/21/03 10:37pm
In reply to: QUITTNER 's message, "In a democracy the people should decide on the contents of the constitution" on 02/21/03 2:26pm

Democracy has nothing to do with the peurile belief in a higher being ... it's about how we are governed. It is about the real world.

The current constitution is the first draft, nothing is set in stone. I'm not sure what the timeline is for completion. That's why there is a big stink because religion has been left out of the first draft.

A European referendum on the constitution would be prohibitevly expensive and won't happen, it would only confuse the issue.

Committee members may well be biased to some extent, but the secular select the members because of their open-ness and even-handed nature, there are no priests on the committee. Members would be open to what lobby groups had to say ... I mean that's their job - to hear everyone and try to include everyone.

I can see some will say that without mention of god it may be viewed as biased against religion and thus suit someone like myself.

But when you and I live our lives in terms of going to the supermarket to buy food, supporting the education of our kids, buying a house or car - all those everyday things that define our society and standard of living ... are controlled by the secular. God has nothing to do with the day to day running of a society... people do that.

The western world is secular ... religion is an add on that some need and many don't want. Since the separation of church and state the secular allows religion to exist with in its boundaries. Not the other way around which used to be.

Yes the whole thing will be very difficult to complete and I would say that any serious protest and disruption would come only from a religious group throwing their particular brand of spanner into the works.

You can't include one without offening another because religions simply don't like each other.

God is man's biggest mistake and many see this as an opportunity to rid the world of the dangerous fairytale.

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Stones of different colorsQUITTNER02/24/03 12:50pm

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