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Subject: A Logical Response

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Date Posted: 03/12/03 10:22am
In reply to: Camden 's message, "in response to your Logic" on 03/ 4/03 4:16pm

from Camden: Why must something that can not be logically shown or proven not exist?

>>> Excellent question. It’s basically a matter of the intellect of the time. Let me explain with a couple of examples you might find easy to relate to.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Guglielmo Marconi, the man who invented the radio, something we take for granted nowadays.

If you and I were to go back in time to 1874 and the Marconi family home at the birth of Guglielmo, and say to his parents that in 1901 your newborn son will project his voice across the Atlantic Ocean and invent a device that will revolutionize the entire planet, it will help lost people be found and dying people be saved - you and I would be laughed at… agreed?

For the intellect of the time the mere notion of such a thing was utterly ridiculous … agreed?

Today we have aircraft that are longer than the distance that Orville and Wilbur flew at Kittyhawk. Those inventive brothers flew at around 50 mph, today we create satellites that travel at over 50,000 mph, that’s over 20 times the speed of your average bullet.

Landing on the moon was once thought ridiculous, but we’ve done it so much we don’t even bother anymore…. and I’ll say that one day we will walk on Mars.

I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from … so all we have to do now is go back 2003 years and consider things that are recounted regularly by the religious as being undoubtable.

Have you ever seen a person rise from the dead? Does your knowledge of medicine (to whatever level that may be) permit you to consider that it is possible for a human being to rise from the dead? Do you think that today’s medicine could resurrect an undernourished person nailed to a cross for at least 6 hours with two stab wounds in the side from an unhygienic Roman sword, then removed from the cross dead, put in a cave overnight and then gone the following day yet resurrected to be possible?!?

Women were the first to discover the empty tomb, why are they not entrusted in the church?

Think about mischievous or Roman soldiers under order perhaps, a miss-interpretation of the events, another belief trying to rid the place of jesus, or even (a nasty one) wild dogs … the most obvious to me is that he was removed in secret by his followers for a more appropriate burial in the context of his teachings.

The intellect of any time allows for greater understanding and knowledge for the day and beyond. Science doesn’t set out to destroy religion. The only purpose of science it to discover the truth (which humans will always want to do) but science has no choice but to be in conflict with religion…because it questions realities contained within the foundations of the faith…. find the bones of jesus … and you’re in deep shit.

Have you heard of new earth creationism and old earth creationism? In the 1970’s scholars concluded that the earth was created in 4004BC, new earthers. Yet today we have old earth creationists who purport that the sixth day of creation lasted for several million years, thus dinosaurs are real.

Now we have creation science, which is simply an attempt to endow some reality to dogma. Scientists who believe in god try to mesh evolution with the bible. Science and dogma are different ways of thinking and cannot be used to support each other.

Certainly science makes mistakes. There is unprovable theory and theory proven correct and, reality

Tell me Camden …. how did it begin?

3,800 years BC, a man called Abram had a dream about paradise. He concluded that this dream was a message from a single god about a linear existence. What does modern technology tell you about dreams?

The fact you ask the questions you do, shows you’re thinking…which is great! The whole thing is not nearly as complicated as it needs to be. Think about what you know to be true, about what your brain and education and what you see everyday tell you to be true.

I will never deny anyone’s right to believe in what they think to be true, nor should you.

But what certain people think is not necessarily what is best for all of us. No group has the right to force their view on others - force no adgenda ....all are equal. don't question what Abram said....question the thinking of his time.

from Camden: Didn't people hundreds of years ago logically think that the earth was flat?

>>> people stil believe in the firmament today!

Nothing more than logical thought ... you do it every day.

Hope that helps.


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