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Saturday, March 15, 03:41:24pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Something I wrote back in October

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Date Posted: 03/14/03 10:58pm

Operation Steel Ball October, 2002

This proposal is based on the fact that due to the explosion in third world population, the United States no longer has the resources to secure its borders by being proactive in other areas around the world. Instead, the U.S. is covering the world like a sheet of foil. The U.S. does, however, have the resources to concentrate on only our immediate borders and secure them in an iron-clad fashion. This gathering of all resources which are currently spread too thin, and utilizing them more effectively in a much smaller geographic area, is like forming a steel ball that cannot be compromised.

Nothing can be accomplished all at once. In order to give other governments as well as our own corporations who have world-wide interests the time to adjust, a fair notice of a ten year time frame would be given to all, and resources would be allocated accordingly in a very gradual fashion during that time.

The Operation must pay for itself largely by gradually eliminating chunks of foreign aid over the 10 year period, and by reducing the trade deficit, as outlined below. The U.S. must not be forced into additional borrowing, possibly from foreign investors. One goal would be eventually for U.S. citizens only to be able to buy U.S. bonds. While at first it may seem like a good idea for foreign interests to have a stake in the U.S. doing well & paying back foreign investors, closer examination reveals that the profits of these investments would largely be spent outside the country, further watering down our economy.

The Operation would still require foreign intelligence. This aspect should receive increased funding, as has been shown by the events on 9/11/01. Previously it may have been thought that the best way to secure the cooperation of other countries for the purposes of gathering reliable foreign intelligence was through foreign aid. Again, as recent events have shown, this appears to have become a less effective avenue. Gradually shutting down this avenue will free up funds for more targeted intelligence, which would have to be spent without the general knowledge of the American public. This idea will leave a bad taste in the mouths of many politicians, but like the British discovered in our Revolutionary war, fighting in "formation" does not always work.

Some cooperation and intelligence will most certainly be lost by gradually shutting down the foreign aid avenue, but the quality & quantity of intelligence received by targeted intelligence will greatly outweigh these smaller losses.

Missile defense
More funding should be diverted toward missile defense systems, both passive (destroying an incoming missile in mid-air) and aggressive (maintaining a credible threat of devastating retaliation). Ultimately, all nations will have nuclear capability. The U.S. simply lacks the resources to prevent it from happening. We could continue to spend billions effectively slowing the rate at which it happens, and then be left with a very meager defense system once it does happen.

Energy Independence
A major cornerstone of this Operation will be energy independence, for reasons that are obvious to those in power. However, the reason it is not a priority in U.S. government is that investment dollars by American oil companies are at stake. Campaign and other contributions are a very effective way of using a few million dollars to leverage billions. Oil company executives are not traitors by any means. They are simply utilizing the system that is in place. They firmly believe that a "world economy" is inescapable and therefore the U.S. must protect its interests abroad. However, emerging alternate energy technologies are gradually becoming cheaper. Politicians who are true patriots must begin to help the U.S. break free of the campaign contribution cycle by speaking out in their campaigns, notifying the public that they receive no funding from oil interests. This stance would be compatible with that of the American democrat party. However, such candidates must broadcast their willingness to increase border defense spending, which would be much more compatible with the platform of the American republican party. Whichever party is the first to see the light and adopt their party's key missing component will be the first to gain momentum. Recent events indicate that such candidates could win elections even when being outspent by their opponents, especially when these candidates advertise the fact that they are indeed being outspent, due to oil interests. With a few of these individuals in power, a movement towards voting for increased funding for alternative energy for the ultimate purpose of border security could take place. This would in turn greatly accelerate the efficiency of these technologies as well as the rate at which their costs decrease. Over 10 years, especially with due warning, oil companies would have sufficient time to diversify their investments as the tobacco industry has done, in order to prevent any sudden effect on the American economy. Three "side benefits" of energy indepedence would be a decrease in the trade deficit, an increase in jobs for Americans, and cleaner air.

Border Guards
The reason the Roman Empire fell was not because it was the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. It fell because what previously was a sufficient amount of resources was no longer sufficient, due to changes in the population. The U.S. is in essence trying to guard its borders by controlling what happens in other countries. This is becoming increasingly difficult, in part and ironically so because of our trade deficit, which puts more money in the hands of hostile governments. In the U.S., a country of roughly 260 million people, it would not be unreasonable to employ one in every 260 Americans in some aspect of Border Protection. The salaries of these Border Protection employees would then easily amount to approximately 35 billion dollars per year. This is why the other components of this Operation must be firmly in place, so that new government borrowing does not occur.

Thanks for the opportunity

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