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Sunday, March 16, 03:37:42amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: how did you observe evolution

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Date Posted: 03/17/03 3:20am

"Evolution I can directly observe from one species to the next. If I want, I can calculate (based on information of the family) what their offspring will most likely look like. I can look at the fossil record and observe a lizard without wings, and then suddenly one with wings. I can examine lizards that are more mammalian than reptile. I can see that a change occurred from point A and point C and point B has characteristics of both creatures. I can qualify evolution, and with the tool of genetics, I can quantify it."
I am just wondering how did you observe from one species to another?this means, you are saying that you have lived for billions of years if to take Darwan's theory and at least 100 thousands of years to take Gould and the Neo-Darwanian's approach.
You said that you observed a fossil without a wing and then "suddenly" the same species different fossil with wings
well all the evolution theory is about very slow none "suddenly" change... the only thing we can observe are microevolutions and I mean by this mutations that we all know most mutations range from harmful to fatal...

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Who are you talking to?Ben03/19/03 9:27am

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