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Subject: Mixed feelings and split brains

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Date Posted: 06/15/03 5:10am
In reply to: PAUL 's message, "And the result Tooly?" on 06/13/03 7:35pm

Reading some of the articles on the front page I agreed with debunking of the bible, but then I've never really believed it was 'the word of god' anyway. Like I mentioned when I first posted I am quite confused. Part of me beleives in god or 'something' but I have no actual basis for these beleifs and at the same time the scientific world can explain most things away. Evoloution happened and the evidence is pretty conclusive so logically I should have no reason whatsoever to beleive in god especialy considering I don't have any type of religious upbringing. Sometimes when I have 'prayed' I sometimes get the feeling I'm just empowering myself unwittingly. This is were my head is at at the moment.I stumbled on this site after basil posted 'the religious mind' on a forum I frequent and it intersted me so I decided to see if there was more where that came from, and there was.I'll finish up by showing you the post that that led baz to post 'religious mind' last week. It may help to explain my feelings.

>Do you think that it's possible to believe in God but not beleive in religion ? I have a problem with organised religion myself, theres too much of the human factor involved. Human nature will always prevail in any given situation and as humans we always strive for more, be it territory, money, power or respect. People will always fight, people will always argue that they are right and you are wrong (not you personaly) so how can an organisation or institution not expect for this corruption to creep into the system. I don't think it can. That's not to say that it's fair to simply dismiss the believers of the religion out of hand. I think to have a set of beliefs is an individuals perogative. It's easier to get things done if you have a purpose or a direction and if you are lost in the wilderness a road sign can be extremely useful. But I personaly believe that if there is 'a god' or 'spirit' that it doesnt live in the clouds behind pearly gates but inside each and every person. Who knows, one day they might find the 'god' geneome.

>PAUL-What was your rationale after reading the

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MeaningBaz06/15/03 4:58pm
Yes your right about religion/mostly.PAUL06/15/03 5:28pm

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