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Wednesday, February 05, 01:07:39pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Well Don.

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Date Posted: 06/23/03 9:14pm
In reply to: Don 's message, "I wonder Paul?" on 06/21/03 10:19pm

>PAUL-Just another sign of the sinking morality
>of the world we live in but apart from that let them
>get on with it,its not doing me no
>harm personally.
>I wonder Paul? Hasn’t all this gay stuff been around
>since old times in human history?

So has murder but it doesnt make it right in Gods eyes.

>Then there is the perversion of priest and other
>religious members---it seems to go across
>all lines of the religious community.

Yes well thats another nail in the priesthoods
And it does not go across into the Kingdom halls of Jehovahs witnesses Don.

It seems to me
>that parents---regardless of faith or no
>faith have the responsibility to raise kids properly
>teaching them of human sexuality as
>not taboo but rather with restraint and self respect
>using such personal feelings for your
>greatest enjoyment and satisfaction commonly known as
>romantic love-- one man to one
>woman-- then have it. What is the big deal any ways?

Thats not a judgement for me to make,Im only expressing Gods views on it.

>>No you never run PAUL.....
>No retreat,no surrender and no compromise Don remember.
>Yeah I have been saying the same for a long time. I
>like that “No retreat, no surrender and
>no compromise”......That is why I can not accept a
>god. Years ago that is all did to myself
>---compromise my intellect and common sense to
>maintain a Christian god belief. I could
>not do it PAUL my conscience bothered me to much and I
>was in constant mental pain
>and I rather maintain intellectual honesty--- I can
>not live with your god but I can live
>myself and to myself be true and honest the best I

Yes well I put God first in all things and my intellectual honesty is about accepting the truth exactly as it is and not how I want it to be-The truth is never a matter of convenience.

Don’t lie to yourself to make other
>happy even a god and in this there is No retreat.

Whos lying Don? Sorry Don your only saying that cos your convinced Im obeying a God who doesnt exist and if he didnt you would be right.
He does though and my life is in his service.
>>I have been fine. DJ’s got way off the point so I
>>lost interest. Then I posted around and
>>de-converted a few thousand Christians. Then I proved
>>that evolution was a fact---as it
>>is-- to a few more thousand JW”s---so all and all I
>>have been a busy boy.
>So all youve been doing is sleeping and dreaming then
>Don-Welcome back to reality.
>Actually I know of No one that I de-converted but I
>have scored point on evolution. I
>have always said that evolution does not prove or dis
>prove a god no more than gravity
>does. It is just solid science PAUL. It is no threat
>to you--- evolution never says where life
>comes from---makes NO statements as such.
>Much like you.

Great Don and if there was evidence for it then I would give it a lot of consideration.
But there isnt.

You have a precept that you count as
>fact---the bible is the word of god.
>Then your entire life is based on that.
>Well evolution has a precept(s) also---life on earth
>exist--a simple given fact. In the big
>picture science has a larger precept---the universe
>exist a given fact--- It makes no
>mention of a god. So what is the problem why would
>science threaten you that you should
>not study it to see what is out there in the universe?

I would need a lot more than empty supposition
Don-And that is what evolution is at best.

>Are natural laws a treat to the
>bible---Well yes there are no miracles that can be
>shown. You do not hold that against me
>do you Paul? Will the bible god cast me into hell
>because I can not show miracles to

No-But there is much more to it than that Don.

>>And your self You staying out of trouble? Ar

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Can you cut the post down Don?PAUL06/23/03 9:23pm

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