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Subject: I wonder Paul?

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Date Posted: 06/21/03 10:19pm
In reply to: PAUL 's message, "Canadas laws on same sex marriages-" on 06/21/03 6:06pm

PAUL-Just another sign of the sinking morality
of the world we live in but apart from that let them get on with it,its not doing me no
harm personally.
I wonder Paul? Hasn’t all this gay stuff been around since old times in human history?
Then there is the perversion of priest and other religious members---it seems to go across
all lines of the religious community. It seems to me that parents---regardless of faith or no
faith have the responsibility to raise kids properly teaching them of human sexuality as
not taboo but rather with restraint and self respect using such personal feelings for your
greatest enjoyment and satisfaction commonly known as romantic love-- one man to one
woman-- then have it. What is the big deal any ways?

>No you never run PAUL.....

No retreat,no surrender and no compromise Don remember.
Yeah I have been saying the same for a long time. I like that “No retreat, no surrender and
no compromise”......That is why I can not accept a god. Years ago that is all did to myself
---compromise my intellect and common sense to maintain a Christian god belief. I could
not do it PAUL my conscience bothered me to much and I was in constant mental pain
and I rather maintain intellectual honesty--- I can not live with your god but I can live
myself and to myself be true and honest the best I can. Don’t lie to yourself to make other
happy even a god and in this there is No retreat.

>I have been fine. DJ’s got way off the point so I
>lost interest. Then I posted around and
>de-converted a few thousand Christians. Then I proved
>that evolution was a fact---as it
>is-- to a few more thousand JW”s---so all and all I
>have been a busy boy.
So all youve been doing is sleeping and dreaming then Don-Welcome back to reality.
Actually I know of No one that I de-converted but I have scored point on evolution. I
have always said that evolution does not prove or dis prove a god no more than gravity
does. It is just solid science PAUL. It is no threat to you--- evolution never says where life
comes from---makes NO statements as such.
Much like you. You have a precept that you count as fact---the bible is the word of god.
Then your entire life is based on that.

Well evolution has a precept(s) also---life on earth exist--a simple given fact. In the big
picture science has a larger precept---the universe exist a given fact--- It makes no
mention of a god. So what is the problem why would science threaten you that you should
not study it to see what is out there in the universe? Are natural laws a treat to the
bible---Well yes there are no miracles that can be shown. You do not hold that against me
do you Paul? Will the bible god cast me into hell because I can not show miracles to

>And your self You staying out of trouble? Are you
>happy? Yes?---Maybe I can change
>that for you.
Yes Im doing great thanks,posted my application for reinstatement in the Jehovahs
witness congregation on thursday-Thats a big step in the right direction for me.
OH NO---you did not do that did YOU? You mean I could not talk you out of it? Damn!
All my wasted words! OH well, Hey PAUL if that is what you want then I support you---
I want you to be happy just don’t hurt any one and stay true to your self at all cost.

If they do not accept you ---for any reason---then you can always claim that atheist have a
greater respect for human life than a bible god--- we never destroyed the world--yet. I
would never go to an organization for membership--- JW should send me a monthly
check of a large amount to NOT believe them. Trust me they do not want me to be a
member--- I would corrupt the youth with natural facts--- life on earth exist.

I hope you are happy PAUL if that is what you want. I have No problem with that. They
damn well better accept you or I will have to write them an essay that Shock and Awh
them into submission....they are so clannish anywise thinking they have a natural fact
when they do not.

Now don’t start anything Paul--be nice OK.

if you
>deconverted we might hate each
>other---then what would we do?
Move to Canada and get married-Thats what people who hate each other do aint it?
LOL...lol.... now stop it Paul! You are not my type. You would have to be by far more
feminine and that you don’t even come close to --- and I bet you are not planing on some
sex chance any times soon either -- Besides I like my ladies the way they should be by
natural genetics. Hey, but we can argue like hell any ways and we do not have to get a
divorce and sue the crap out of each other.

>I can tell you Paul the modern gods come in many forms
>and many names, They keep
>trying to sneak in under all kinds of name like
>causality, universal intent, ID, Mother
>Nature, Guyaha, Mother earth, and such a long list.
>You must feel the Competition.

No Don because a billion false gods are no match for the one true God Jehovah-They are
dust in the wind to him and me.
How does he show that any ways?

>Basically when you scrape the surface it is making
>claims that can not be proved.

Isnt this where we left off the truth does not
need to be proved to be truth-It just is.
Yes I think so my friend and about a hundred other places. What just is-- is the natural
world we see all around us and so far NO god--- and we still do not know what is out
there but we are learning by the scientific method that requires evidence and proper
arrangement of that evidence. When one of the great dinosaurs was being assembled they
put the head on the wrong end---LOL...yes it is true. The arguments went on for about 5
years. The fossils were real enough, no argument on that, but How to arrange the
bones?---we never saw a dino before so how would we know? Well scientist got it right
but then they had the wrong head! Well GEE Wiss--- how would we know? That took
another 7 years of argument. So you say there is god when man has trouble understanding
this earth! Come on Paul--- men are not that smart to know a god and a book is not true
because it says it is--- that we do know.

What you have is faith---non provable and non testable---and people can believe
anything. At least I require evidence and I am too shy to speak for a god saying god did
this and god did that when I have no objective evidence.

>well man and their gods. You would think at this
>modern word people would know
>Subjectivity from Objectivity.
>You are Ok Paul like I said you one of my favorite
>Christians---So when you going to
>de-convert to; lets me see here what would be a good
>de-conversion for you---I got it,
>how about you becoming a Catholic----lol.... I had to
>say that..... Just having some fun

Yes Im in stitches Don,I would rather be an atheist thanks.


You Know that is EXACTLY what I said! It is kind of funny isn’t it---a man walks
around in a robe and proclaims himself a god---LOL. I would just love to raid the Vatican
and see what is in their hidden records over the last 1700 years. I think they have enough
bones of Peter on display to make an army. I understand they have 2 sculls they claim are
Peters, they probably use them for candle holders and pray over them--I guess. But the
virgin Mary as a god just blows me away.

>Anything on your mind lately--any burning issues---any
>atheist you have a bone to pick
>over with?
Not that comes to mind,You was the one with all the unanswered questions Don.
Yeah I have plenty of them for sure.

>Hey how about Canada thinking about allowing gays to
>get married. Like I could frigen
>care. I’m not interested what consenting people do
>behind closed doors as long as they
>have a good time of it. Hey you think a person will go
>to your hell over being a gay?
God doesnt approve of Homosexuality if thats what you mean.


Well then it looks like your god and I have something in common, I am sure he copied
me. So why did god make ladies so pretty any ways if it was not to lust after them?


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Well Don.PAUL06/23/03 9:14pm
Can you cut the post down Don?PAUL06/23/03 9:23pm

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