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Date Posted: 06:58:06 01/01/25 Wed
Author: Observer
Subject: Re: Write a Girdle Story?
In reply to: hidnviews 's message, "Re: Write a Girdle Story?" on 07:10:34 12/31/24 Tue

I don’t know whether anyone will be interested in this. I am not a wearer myself but have taken interest in this subject for many years and can recount a large number of events (almost all from my younger days when girdles were almost universally worn by women). Here is a brief note of an early – and not edifying – exploration.

We lived in a typical suburban street in middle England. I had started taking an interest in girls in my mid-teens but had no sisters, so I had to learn from encounters with girls around me. A few doors along from or house lived two girls (I’ll call them X and Y). X was the same age as me (16) and Y was about two years younger. Both now wore nylon stockings (very much a rite of passage in those days), X having started a couple of years earlier and Y very recently. X wore nylon stockings to school but her sister still wore socks, putting stockings on only for special occasions.

One weekend the girls and their parents went away to visit grandparents and we were asked to feed their elderly cat. My parents fed him on the Saturday evening and asked me to do it on Sunday morning. As I walked along with the house keys I suddenly realised that, if I was careful, I might be able to find out a bit about what the two girls wore. I was especially curious about what they might use to hold up their stockings. I guessed that both girls would have been “dressed up” for their weekend away.

Having fed the cat I quickly went upstairs to where I knew the girls shared a front bedroom. I had to be careful because I might be seen from houses opposite. There were two single beds and, to my pleasant surprise, lying on one bed was a pinkish coloured elastic roll-on and a worn pair of stockings. I didn’t know which girl’s clothes I was looking at. Keeping out of sight, I opened a drawer and, as well as some bras and panties there was a white suspender belt. Again, I didn’t know to whom it belonged. Worried about being noticed in that room I quickly retreated on to the landing and then, on a whim, went into the back bedroom where, because the layout was the same as our own house, I knew there would be a built-in airing cupboard which, I thought, might contain more items. There was no risk of being seen in that room so I opened the cupboard door to fins several shelves of clothing and domestic linen (towels, bedding, etc).

My time was limited (or my parents might wonder why it was taking me so long) so I quickly glanced at each clothing shelf, finding little of interest, much of it obviously belonging to the girls’ parents. Just as I was about to close the cupboard and leave I saw, peeking out at the bottom of a pile, a couple of white suspenders. I couldn’t resist pulling out the garment they were attached to. It was a hook-side girdle about 10 or 12 inches deep with a couple of elastic sections but non-stretch, probably cotton material at what must be the back and front. The hooks were all undone so I could roll the girdle out flat. It must belong to one of the girls because its size was much too small for their rather well-built mother. Two things struck me: there were quite a lot of bones in the girdle (I didn’t count but remember feeling some long ones and some short ones) and there were only three suspenders. The missing one was a back one.

I quickly re-folded the girdle and slipped it back beneath the pile, taking care to leave a couple of suspenders showing, just as I had found it. I went back downstairs, left the house and returned home. Of course, I never found out any more about the garments I had seen but wondered which items belonged to which girl. I felt sure the hook-side girdle must belong to X: I couldn’t imagine the younger Y wearing quite such a structured girdle. I also amused myself – and still do – wondering what happened to the missing suspender. With much greater knowledge as I got older, I guessed that its stitching had broken away from the hem of the girdle, probably when the girl sat down. I knew that this sometimes happened because back suspenders were under a lot of strain and being attached to the non-stretch back section, there would be no elasticity in the girdle itself. All the remaining suspenders were adjustable, with metal clips, and I know that this was necessary to allow for varying stocking length on a more-or-less immovable girdle.

All these years later, I still wonder what else I might have found if I had been able to spend more than a few minutes exploring. I remember, too, watching those girls as they walked to school or went out with their parents and thinking they might be wearing one of the garments I saw.

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