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Date Posted: 07:08:10 01/10/25 Fri
Author: Observer
Subject: Re: Further girdle exploration
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Re: Further girdle exploration" on 09:40:13 01/08/25 Wed

Here's the third and final example of investigating where I shouldn't.

I worked closely, when I was about 30, with two female colleagues of similar age. One day, one of these women (I'll call her Jane) was telling the other about a dinner she would be attending with her businessman husband. I overheard Jane say she had bought a nice dress for the occasion but she was worried that she had put on some weight. "You'll have to get a girdle" was the unexpected reply but I heard Jane say she had already bought one - and a new bra. I was some distance from the two women and they wouldn't have realised I had listened to their conversation.

Jump forward about two months to the summer. Jane lived about a mile from me in an isolated house with quite a large garden. When Jane and her husband went away on holiday they usually asked my wife and me to water plants both in the house and the garden. We sometimes both went to do the watering but sometimes only one of us did the job. It had been warm for a couple of days so I walked to Jane's house to check her plants while my wife did a similar job at home.

Having used the hose to give garden plants a good soaking I went inside to water houseplants. I remembered the conversation I had overheard and couldn't resist going into the bedroom (it was a single-storey building) to investigate my colleague's clothes. There were two chests of drawers. I opened the top drawer of one of them and found men's things, so quickly moved to the other. The top drawer contained some jewellery and other accessories, in the second drawer were folded blouses and tops (some of which I recognised from work), the third drawer had some tights (new in packets and others rolled up) plus a pile of panties and, finally, in the bottom drawer were bras, slips a flimsy suspender belt and one panty girdle. It was just a brief style, had a shiny front panel with some extra elastic reinforcement and was without suspenders - typical of the average-to-firm panty girdles worn by many young women at that time, tights having taken over from stockings. I was about to close the drawer, having satisfied my curiosity when I noticed among the bra, a transparent package containing what I thought must be a new bra. Picking up the package I realised that the bra inside was probably a special one, almost new and put carefully back into its packet. It seemed rather big so I pulled it out and found it was a substantial long-line bra with a St Michael brand (Marks & Spencer) 36C label - the same brand as the girdle. It was apparent that Jean had needed both a good girdle and strong bra for that special dinner - but, judging from the contents of those drawers, such things were not part of her regular everyday clothing.

I know this little story will disappoint some - because there's no more to it. I carefully replaced the bra and girdle, closed up the house and returned home. My curiosity was satisfied: I now knew exactly what Jean had worn and enjoyed thinking about how she must have felt dressing up in those things. It simply added to my growing interest in and knowledge of those usually hidden, uniquely female items and women's relationship with them.

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