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Date Posted: 07:02:59 01/12/25 Sun
Author: Tom Sleifer
Subject: How To Become Comfortable In A Girdle



How To Become Comfortable In A Girdle
How To Become Comfortable In A Girdle
How To Become Comfortable In A Girdle Daily
July 28, 2013
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I realize that many people have this attitude that wearing a girdle everyday is fairly uncomfortable. I found personally this is very far from the truth. It does take learning something about wearing a girdle, and if possible finding a professional corsetiere.

Here is the name of a Professional Corsetiere that I am positive can be a big help

Irene’s Fitting
Welcome to Irene’s Fitting Room, A Lingerie and Mastectomy Boutique
Phone: (707) 303-7261

There are some real serious health benefits to daily wearing a girdle; it has a lot to do with two factors, as humans we stand erect and gravity, by standing erect this affects in a very negative way our internal organs and our core stomach and back muscles, without the needed support of a girdle this affects our health in a very negative way even though it is not completely noticeable. Then age has a lot to do with it, as you age your metabolism will slow down and you do lose core muscles strength even if you work out daily.

Wearing a girdle every day does very much help control your diet and you limit your portions. What happens on a very positive note is that wearing a very firm boned zippered girdle every day holds your internal organs, stomach and back muscles in their normal nature position; this is very beneficial for health reasons. Wearing a girdle everyday also helps with your diet you limit your portions, which is also an added benefit.

Wearing a girdle is not just for getting all dressed up, going to work, church, to a dance, or on a date. You do become very comfortable in wearing a girdle daily when just relaxing around the house in your shorts or sweats. Keep in mind again the health benefits and the support to your internal organs.

You might find this link very interesting: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Posture_%26_Foundation_Garments

First of all if you can my recommendation is to try and find a Professional Corsetiere who has years of experience. A good corsetiere does not just fit you in the right kind of make and model girdle, put also gives you a fair amount of helpful consulting. She will ask you about your life style, this is quite important to help determine the right kind of make and model girdle that is best for you. It has a lot to do with if you are active or not, and the kind of work you do, are you a construction worker or like me I am active, but for work I work on computers so I sit a lot. This told the corsetiere I need to be in a long legged high waist boned and zippered panty girdle Rago 6210. I also wear Custom Maid 299 girdle, plus Grenier 1578 girdle, and during the summer I wear a slightly lighter girdle which still gives me needed tummy control and support Rago 6228.

Keep in mind there is a lot to learn also about the right kind of girdle to be in, is it worth it, very much so particularly if you are interested in your own personal health.

If you can not locate a Professional Corsetiere here is some helpful advice.

Most important keep an open mind, be non judgmental as to what you have heard about wearing a girdle and that wearing a girdle is uncomfortable, that is so far from the truth. If you are a woman and you wear a bra and you are comfortable in a bra everyday you will find you will be also very comfortable in a girdle also, a bra and girdle go hand in hand and should always be worn together.

Next go through and determine your life style are you active or not and what kind of work do you do. This will help determine what kind of girdle you do need to be in.

Once you have determined your life style then you need to measure your hips and your waist. VERY IMPORTANT: You need to purchase a girdle that is 2 sizes smaller, do not go tighter then 2 sizes. The reason keep in mind a decent girdle will stretch and is suppose to hold your internal organs and muscles in and support you plus help mold your posture. If you go too tight you will find you can not wait to take off your girdle and this can cause what is called as a muffin top. Going too loose you defeat the purpose and you will not be able to take advantage of wearing a vintage girdle. I have made both mistakes.

After you have chosen the right kind of make and model girdle, it takes learning how to put on a girdle, there is right way and a wrong way. The right way is to lay down on a bed lean way back pull your knees up; this takes your stomach and back muscles plus your internal organs and pulls them up towards your chest cavity and in their normal natural position. Then pull on your girdle, hook up the hooks and eyes pull up the zipper, and stand up. You will notice right away the positive effects of being all held in. What is going on is your girdle is now holding and supporting your stomach muscles and your internal organs in their normal natural position which is very healthful for you. You will also notice your posture will become much improved sitting and standing.

Please look at this link; this is very helpful to show you the right way to put on a girdle.http://www.corsetiere.net/Spirella/Figurette.jpg

The next part and one for me was absolutely the hardest part I learned was to keep my stomach muscles relaxed while in a girdle. This is not so easy to do. What happens when out of a girdle and you are sitting standing you tighten up and pull in your core stomach muscles, this is subconscious, it takes a little time to break this habit, but it can be done just keep reminding yourself to keep your stomach muscles always relaxed. What helped me when standing up from sitting or getting out of bed I use my arms or leg muscles. Once you can keep your core muscles relaxed in a girdle you feel a dramatic increase in energy and confidence, it is really amazing. It is advisable and quite essential to keep a good exercise program going. What does happen is your core stomach muscles memory become use to being held in a girdle, your stomach muscles do not become weaker. Do not be concerned besides the benefits of your internal organs be supported and held in their normal nature position is very healthy and wise and very beneficial, keep that in mind.

Developing a habit and routine – my corsetiere recommended to help me to become completely comfortable in daily wearing a girdle to wake up each and every morning clean up and before you have a cup of coffee put on your girdle. Do this each and every day and this will help develop a daily routine and positive habit.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that wearing a girdle is not just for getting all dressed up going to work, dance, church, or on a date, girdles should be worn each everyday even when just relaxing around your house in shorts or sweats, or working in your garden.

Go slow with yourself; everybody is different becoming use to wearing a girdle is very much like getting use to wearing a new pair of shoes, it can take time. If you are somewhat uncomfortable at first just wear the girdle for 2 to 3 hours a day everyday take the girdle off, you will find over a week or more you will be able to wear your girdle more and more. It is best once you have become use to wearing a girdle for 16 to 18 hours a day everyday, then sleep without a girdle, your skin needs a chance to breath for 6 to 8 hours everyday.

How many girdles minimum should you own? Ideally a minimum of 3, but realistically a decent girdle is fairly expensive $60 to $70. To start out with if you can not afford 3 just buy one, once you start getting use to wearing a girdle then purchase the other girdles. Keep in mind girdles can stretch out so be careful and then there are health issues if you do not change your girdle everyday.

How do you take care of your girdles? The reason you need a minimum of 3 is that you have one girdle that you do a cold water wash in your sink and air dry, then one girdle is in your girdle draw, and the other one you are wearing. You should for health reason change your girdle every day. I know for myself over a period of about 4 years I now own 10 girdles, and I am sure I will purchase more.

How do you know when you need to purchase a new girdle? Most likely you should buy a new girdle about once a year – how you know it is when a girdle stretches to the point where you no longer have the needed stomach and back support. You really do not want to go that far. If you gain or loose weight you will also either need to be refitted or purchase a new girdle.

In conclusion once I went through the period of being fitted in a very firm heavily boned zippered panty girdle that really held me in and supported my internal organs and once I became use to being in this type of garment every day I experienced having great posture sitting standing just getting around clothes fitting much better, and no more lower back pains. I also experienced which I am amazed a dramatic increase in energy and confidence, I have never felt so good. I found that once in a girdle I no longer am aware of being in a girdle and a girdle just becomes part of who you are or who I am.

I found which I have always wondered about women back in the Golden Age of Girdles, 40ties, 50ties, 60ties and early part of the 70ties that they never felt dressed unless they were in a girdle, now after experiencing what I found out and the help from a corsetiere I now know what these women were talking about not feeling dressed unless you are in a girdle. To me personally back then it was “a women’s best kept secret” and even though they never really admitted they loved their girdles. To love your girdles you do need to follow these instructions and you will experience what I am talking about.

I would love hearing from you about your personal girdle experiences.

I would appreciate also you to visit http://www.voy.com/224381/ and post any questions and comments.

If you have any questions directly please contact me at toms_0321@yahoo.com

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