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Date Posted: 07:14:27 01/20/25 Mon
Author: Observer
Subject: Re: First walk with Smoothie
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Re: First walk with Smoothie" on 20:50:16 01/18/25 Sat

Let me start by pointing out that it was way back in the late 1950s and early 1960s when I began to take an interest in girls/women and what they wore. In Britain, tights and panty girdles were virtually unknown and shops and mail order catalogues (just about the only places where I could see girdles) displayed open girdles, suspender belts, bras and slips.

There were just a few sources of information from which a teenage boy could learn about what women wore beneath their dresses and skirts. Catalogues were good because there were quite detailed descriptions. Shop windows allowed a view of actual garments. Girl friends might be willing to answer questions. Women’s magazines and newspapers had adverts and articles about foundation garments (still often referred to as “corsetry” in those days). Finally, there were conversations – mainly overheard – between women about their “unmentionables”. So, my “stories” are derived from observing, hence the name I am using, and not from experience of wearing.

What intrigued me early on was the huge variety of these foundations. Why so many variations? I could see that older women and those with larger figures would wear the more complex (and very uncomfortable-looking) girdles. The catalogue photos tended to make that clear and the descriptions were full of references to boning, underbelts, reinforcements and even lacing. I also knew that the teenage girls around me (no sisters, unfortunately) who all started wearing nylon stockings, must be wearing some means of holding them up.

One day, I was with my mother when she visited a woman who was an old school friend. She had two daughters, one of them, Rita, the same age as me (15 or 16 at the time, I think). There was also a younger brother and I was on the floor helping him with his clockwork train set. I realised the two mothers were talking about Rita and the fact that she was “growing up fast” and “costing a fortune” because she now wore stockings to school and didn’t like the thicker ones, so was always getting ladders. A few moments later I heard another snatch of conversation: “she really doesn’t need it and it makes her walk like a duck”. My ears pricked up.

I could only catch odd fragments of the ongoing chat between the two mothers but from what I could make out, Rita had persuaded her mother to buy her some kind of girdle (there was a mention of hooks and, later, I concluded that it was probably a hook-side type) and it was this girdle that caused Rita to walk differently. I had recently acquired a girlfriend at about that time and, after hearing about Rita, wanted to try to find out from my girlfriend a bit more about what girls wore and perhaps even get an explanation of “walking like a duck”.

More to follow.

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