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Date Posted: 13:19:37 02/20/25 Thu
Author: Michael
Subject: Re: Wanting to Wear a Girdle
In reply to: Robert 's message, "Re: Wanting to Wear a Girdle" on 19:15:58 02/19/25 Wed

>>>From this thread, it would seem that you are getting
>>>much more comfortable both with the idea and the
>>>actual wearing of a girdle in public – specifically
>>>places and situations where you might be "discovered"
>>>by people you know.
>>>I have the same hesitancy to wear in places or around
>>>people I know, so I can fully sympathize with your
>>>Nonetheless, it was good to hear that you wore your
>>>new Smoothie and everything worked out fine.
>>>Keep up the good work!
>jaime 114,
>I simply love wearing a girdle so much that I look for
>ways to enjoy them a little outside my comfort zone.
>For me it keeps my fetish from becoming routine and
>predictable. Something to look forward too, like
>going for a walk with my girdle showing. I never
>thought about doing this until I saw a guy out walking
>one day wearing athletic shorts under a t-shirt. I
>thought, why couldn't I do that while wearing a long
>leg girdle. I've done this several times now and I
>love it. Believe me, the very first time I ventured
>out with nothing but a sweatshirt on over my girdle
>was a thrill to put it mildly. I can't wait till
>warmer weather.


I passionately fell in love with girdles after trying one of my older sisters’ when I was twelve. It was extremely risky because my father was still with us at the time, and I wouldn’t be here to tell about it had he ever found out. Consequently I hardly ever had the chance to nurture my fetish.

I almost got caught on two occasions but I was never too sure if my mom knew about it but didn’t want to address the issue. I was actually a good kid after all and did well in school. She also knew my father was a thousand years behind the times and no good would come out of telling him about it. I must confess that my girdle fetish was extremely frustrating for me however, and this went on for years.

Come summer of 1969 at the age of seventeen my mom got me a job as an assistant bookkeeper for one of her lady friends. Her name was Linda and she had 6 employees, all females, beautiful dressed and obviously girdled. They were all very friendly and ready to help.

However, only one week after I started, I was riding my bike to work and hit a pot hole and took a bad fall. The x-rays showed a herniated disk in my lower spine. I then had to take a week off and I was fitted with an orthopaedic brace that turned out to be so extremely firm that it was actually hurting me.

Of course mom told Linda about my injury and that I may not be going back to work because I was in a great deal of pain and to make things worse my brace was killing me. Another week passed and Linda called as she was worried that I may not heal properly and suggested I had nothing to lose in trying a girdle, that it would probably provide a much better support than my back brace. So mom called the corsetiere and explained my problem. The lady then scheduled an appointment for three days later to get me fitted and recommended a panty girdle. She then explained however that I may find wearing women’s corsetry over boxer shorts very uncomfortable and that a panty girdle should be normally worn over panties and pantyhose.

On the day of my appointment my back was starting to feel better but I definitely still needed proper spinal support. The lady then fitted me with a fairly firm but very comfortable medium leg panty girdle with side hooks and zipper. It was then that I understood why a panty girdle should be worn over panties and pantyhose. The fit was so perfect that I could feel myself slowly drifting in a mild state of euphoria. Never in my life had I ever felt so wonderful.

To tell you what happened next would go beyond the scope of this discussion, but I went back to work the following Monday, and of course everyone knew I was wearing a panty girdle over panties and pantyhose. Then that morning, as I was walking away from the printer, Cathy the assistant manager saw me and got up from her desk and walked to me and asked me how it felt to be wearing a women’s girdle, but I never replied. She then grabbed me by the waist and said “You don’t have to tell me, I can easily tell you’re very happy. It feels nice, doesn’t it? Welcome to our world…!

Needles to say I’m still properly girdled.

Thank you

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