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Subject: Must needed injection!

Rithvika (Picky)
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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 04:57: am

Hello people
Yesterday I tried to move a heavy object and ended up with a hurt back. Somehow I managed with my class and On the way back, I visited the hospital. It was drizzling and I entered the hospital. The nurse asked what's brings me here. I said I have back pain. Then, the nurse guided me into the doctor room.
The doctor greeted me. He then asked me to lie on my back on the examination table to check my hip. I was wearing a orange salwar. He asked me untie my gathering pant and checked my hip. He then asked me to lie on my stomach nd asked me to lift my legs. I wasn't able to lift.
Then we went back to the consultation table. He said to take enough rest and started to scribble on the prescription sheet. Then he asked the nurse to give me two injections, without even intimidating me.

Then, nurse asked me to come to injection room. By the time I went in she was already preparing the second injection. One was BETNESOL and I'm not sure of the other one.

Nurse: remove your pant and lie on your stomach.
I asked her to give injections in hand, but she refused.
Nurse again: pull your panties and show both your buttocks.

I pulled my panties a bit.
But nurse, pulled my panties till my knee exposing both my ass and pushed my top up.

She wiped my left ass and inserted the needle. It was only 5 seconds she pulled it out. It was really picky.. She massaged it so hard.

I said I'm done with one injection. But forcefully she inserted the second injection again in my right ass. This injection was in for around 20 seconds. Then, she pressed the injection site and kept massaging it for around 1-2 minutes.

Then, she applied mono gel on my hip and gave heat to relax my muscles.

She then, asked me to tie my pant Nd leave.

I got medicines in pharmacy and left the hospital.

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