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Subject: i need some help please

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Date Posted: Sunday, July 15, 2018, 05:23: pm

i know this is off topic but the other boars is closed so I thought I would try and ask here. I have a friend that is nice enough to voice chat with me and count the time for me when I take my temp. he also helps to distract me as well as it is super unpleasant and uncomfortable for sure. I use a gertharm thermometer which is better to use then a digital one for sure. I gave my friend info on them and how it says that it is best to leave them in for 5 minutes to get a accurate reading. and he said ok I agree and we need to take your temp for 5 minutes each time u take it when u r sick. well I got major nasty sinus infection right now and my friend counted the time for my temp friday all was good he counted for the full 5 minutes and all was ok. then yesterday I got 2 temps taken and it was so uncomfortable and unpleasant. I only took my temp this weekend as I had people coming over today for lunch and wanted to make sure I did not have a fever so he said that I had to leave it in for the full 5 minutes so that I can get an accurate reading, so I told him he had to count and help distract me as well as I hate taking my temp this way and that it is so uncomfortable and unpleasant but that I do it as it is best way to d it and cause I cant breathe out my nose. so I took my temp and of course I kept asking him if I could take it out as It was really unpleasant and uncomfortable for sure, but he said no I could not take it out till the time was over which I understand but, I told him I hated it so bad and wanted it to end fast. I talked to him before about if it slips out that the recommended time to add on for it slipping out is 3 minutes, since he play the nurse and counts the time for me I asked him what he would recommend I do if the thermometer does not register right and he said if the thermometer did not register right that I needed to take my temp again for another full 5 minutes to make sure that I get a good reading. know my friend means well and he is trying to be there for me and look out for my health but I was so ready to smack him today thru the phone when facebooking with him for insisting that we do a 5 minute temp each time, that if ie does not register that we have to do another 5 minute temp and that if it slips out that I we need to keep it in for 3 minutes longer. if my friend is on 2night then he will count my temp again for me if he is not on then I said I would do it myself so I might cheat and take my temp by ear 2night as he will never know. haha. like I aaid I know my friend means well and is just looking out for my health but I do not see the need to take my temp again for full 5 minutes if it does not register right nor do I think I need to add another 3 minutes to the time if it slips out. my friend is worried about me as I do not really get fevers but sometimes I do and they can be as high as 102 rectally which is really high for me and also I can go from fine to really sick faster then a cat can run. I told my friend that when he counts the time for me not to tell me how long is left on the time as that makes me more uncomfortable so I told him just to start counting and tell me when it is all over. everytime I take my temp and he counts for me I do tell him to stop counting and that I want to take it out and he says no that I cant do that as with my history of really bad infections such as pneumonia that I need I need to keep the thermometer in for the full 5 minutes and nothing less to insure that I get an accurate reading. like I said when I take my temp it is super unpleasant and uncomfortable for sure and idk what to do. someone told me to distract myself and my friend talks to me while he is counting that way he can try and distract me the best that can he can but I still find it unpleasant and uncomfortable. does anyone have any tips on how to make taking my temp more comfortable and less unpleasant? can you also share ways to distract myself while talking to my friend and also can you tell of ways that I an take my temp without feeling the thermometer? and I do it on my tummy right now but since I squirm around a lot would it be better to have my temp taken over the knee to prevent me from squirming to much and hurting myself. thanks for the help

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