Subject: “An injection please!” |
Author: Fireball
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Date Posted: Saturday, September 15, 2018, 07:23: pm
This event actually happened in my own life and is written down to the best of my knowledge and belief:
One day my mother brought me to our female child doctor because I was a little ill. At that time I was approximately 2 and a half years old. The doctor started to examine me and my mother asked her urgently to give me “an injection” if possible. I had no idea what an “injection” could be, but I was curious to find it out. My female pediatrician thought over whether it was necessary to give me an injection or not because I wasn’t ill very seriously. But my mother bagged her to do so. Finally she nodded and went out of the room. While I was looking around my mother opened my trousers, took them off and pulled down my tights. I was wondering why she started to undress me but somehow she seemed to be satisfied. So everything was all right. When the doctor came back she brought along an object that I couldn’t identify. It looked like a 5 inch long plastic barrel, which was filled with some kind of liquid and I saw her mounting a thick, long needle on the top of it. I was glad that she came closer so I could see the unknown object better. It looked interesting. Never before I had seen such a big needle, but what could that needle be used for? I had no idea but I was looking forward to find it out. The doctor pushed my legs together and disinfected the left one. I was still happy and confident to get explained or demonstrated what this fascinating stuff was good for but obviously the doctor just tried to cover it with her hand. I was disappointed. She neither showed nor explained me any details. I was curious to learn more but she made effort to hide the long and thick needle. Nevertheless I could see the tip of it. It looked somehow dangerous. But what did she plan to do? Was she preparing to sew something? I had no idea. After a while I accepted not to get a live-demonstration anymore. I turned my eyes away and watched the surroundings nearby. Meanwhile another toddler-boy, whom I knew from the kindergarten, had arrived with his mother. I watched him getting undressed his warm clothes and suddenly the doctor said to my mother that “this is probably going to hurt”. I didn’t knew, what she meant but my mother didn’t seem to be worried at all. She just nodded. So I didn’t pay any further attention to it. I was still looking around dreamily when the doctor grabbed skin of my leg.
Suddenly, and without any advanced warning, I felt an extremely intensive and stinging pain in my left leg. I didn’t know what it was but I screamed out loud. Instantly I forgot where I was. It felt like diving into another dimension. I was screaming and struggling like I never did before. I tried to get rid of it but I couldn’t. Someone obviously hold back my hand. I must have been close to coma due to the pain. Even getting spanked on my bare buttocks didn’t hurt so much. The syringe tormented me at least 15 seconds and the very beginning was worst. It was even worse than the last part were the doctor pressed down the plunger to inject the medicine. Suddenly the worst pain subsided. I felt my spirit coming back. My leg was aching enormously. It burned and stung like fire and I screamed as loud as I could. Never before I had felt so much pain. At that time I didn’t know what recently had happen to me. When I looked up I saw the doctor leaving. She was still holding the injection in her hand. But only half of the liquid in it was consumed. Then she put it on some kind of table. I was still sniveling when I asked my mother what that was. But she was lying that she didn‘t knew. I was confused. She was standing right next to me and I was screaming like hell for nearly half a minute. She definitely must have noticed something. But she denied. I looked at the position on my aching leg were the intensive pain came from and grabbed it with both hands. The injection site was blooding heavily. The blood even flowed down on the table because I didn’t get a Band-Aid yet. I was curious what the red liquid was that was coming out of the wound. I dipped my finger in and tasted it quickly. My mother chided me for that. But I didn’t care. A few seconds later the pediatrician came back and brought along a Band-Aid for me. Finally my mother thanked her for my „injection“ and expressed the wish, that I in general should be injected more often. I just shook my head gently when I heard that. But from this moment I knew what it meant to get an „injection“ into ones legs. Then I was dressed and my leg still hurt badly. It burned obnoxious. With tears in my eyes I looked around and saw the little boy right next to me who was currently examined. After a moment the doctor went to the table where she had put down my injection and picked it up. Then she turned around and went back to the little boy. Meanwhile his mother pulled down his trousers and I hold on my breath. Step by step I realized what actually was going on: He should get the rest of my injection and I could observe the situation from a second point of few. How amazing, each one of us could watch the other one when being injected. That was strange and now it was my time to watch him. What a great present, this was just fair. Immediately I stopped crying. Surely he would scream as loud as I did. At least I hoped so because I wanted to see him struggle, scream and fight like he had seen me. Finally the doctor grabbed his leg and disinfected it. Suddenly she pressed the needle deep into his thigh and he started to scream heartbreakingly. After a while she pressed down the plunger slowly and my little fellow screamed more and more desperately. I knew that it burned and stung horribly but I enjoyed watching the situation. A few moments later the doctor removed the needle and I hoped that he was given another injection subsequently. But he wasn’t. Finally the doctor left him to his mother who hugged him and tried to quiet down the screaming and struggling baby. But he didn’t struggle as hard as I did. Nevertheless his injection helped me to calm down. Otherwise I might had gotten a temper tantrum. I didn’t know. But now we were treated equally. Each one of us could watch how the other one has been injected. I wiped some tears away, touched my aching leg and continued sobbing. Meanwhile I knew that watching other kids getting an injection was quite interesting but receiving an injection on my own was just terrible.
Some minutes later my mother wanted me to put on my warm winter clothes. But actually I didn’t saw any reason to obey her instructions. I wanted to stay here to see more kids while being injected. Finally my mother told me that I am going to receive another injection into my right leg next day if I won’t get dressed immediately. She looked into my eyes and warned me that she was going to ask the nurse whether we could come back next day. I was scared when I heard that because I was deadly sure that my mother wasn’t joking. I knew that she would make this real if I refused to cooperate. So I decided to put on my jacket, scarf and bonnet reluctantly. Then we drove home and my leg was still aching a lot. Within the next hours I couldn’t get rid of the stinging pain. I couldn’t neither sit, nor walk nor stand nor do anything of what a toddler of my age usually used to do. In every situation my leg reminds me that I recently got a real powerful injection. But at least I was told not to expect another shot next day. This made me quite released and I began to smile. In the evening the worst pain fortunately was gone and I could fall asleep peacefully.
This was my very first injection and it was the most painful one I ever got. Somehow I thought that my mother simply wanted to see me cry and probably I was not so wrong with that. It was cold outside and sometimes I refused to put on my scarf and bonnet or I even took it off without permission. Consequently I became ill. Usually I got spanked for any kind of gentle or serious misbehavior but this time my mother had chosen a different method to disciplining me. And I am so very grateful for that. I should feel the direct consequence. This method of disciplining always worked best for me. Sometimes I simply needed the corresponding amount of pain to get the point. That’s why I loved my very first injection so much. It was part of a strict upbringing and if god gives me the possibility to pass this to my children I won’t hesitate to do so. This was one of my most beloved injections I ever received. Thanks for such an instructive experience of cause and effect.
Did you experience something similar?
Were your parents also begging a doctor to give you a painful injection just to teach you a lesson?
When did you get the most painful injection in your childhood and what were the circumstances?
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