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Subject: Re: A young child who didn’t dare to ask for a very special wish

Lucas Gerardo González
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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 09:51: am
In reply to: Fireball 's message, "A young child who didn’t dare to ask for a very special wish" on Wednesday, October 31, 2018, 11:56: am

It happened the same to me. I'd been offered injections in my behind many times and I always turned them down because of my shyness. When it finally happened, I dropped my shorts and pants to my knees, closed my eyes and enjoyed every bit of the ceremony. I asked for a female nurse, by the way

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[> Subject: Getting vaccines in buttock

Knut Holt
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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 03:50: pm

When I was a small child back in the late 1960es in Oslo, Norway, I got polio vaccines or possibly other things injected in the buttocks.

The first two times i did not feel much, only a small sting with did not make me upset.

But the third time was different.

My mother took me to the doctor. Nobody explained anything. There she pulled down my trousers and underpants, and laid me down on the exam table with my backside up.

The doctor stood at the side and prepared the injection. But I was not upset, because I had only felt a small pain the other times.

But suddenly I felt a hellish burning sensation in my right buttock, and I could see see that he held a big syringe of which he had stung the needle deep into my buttock. This time it was distinctly painful and the doctor used fairly long time.

But soon the bad sensation also got combined with a strange excitement felt in my butt area and spreading upwards through most of me.

I do not remember more than this.

Since this injection was so different from the first two, I wonder what It could be for. Maybe it was a sort of anesthesia to put me under for an exam, maybe a penicillin shot.

Knut Holt

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[> [> Subject: Re: Getting vaccines in buttock

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 13, 2018, 07:09: pm

I know exactly what the feeling of “strange excitement” means. I felt the same after I got my buttocks injected at the age of 7. Somehow I enjoyed it but I think it was far too late for the first time. Whenever I remember my early childhood I am pretty sure that I had missed something very important. I know that it may sounds strange but I am really missing the experience of getting shots into my babyish buttocks at the age around 3. When I was seriously ill, I knew that I usually would be injected into my legs what I really disliked. Consequently I hoped to be placed on my stomach and get my nappy removed. Actually I didn’t care about possible pain. I even would have accepted to receive a stinging and burning penicillin shot into my cheeks. But nobody so far fulfilled my eagerly desire. I needed to wait until I was 7 years old to receive such a treatment for the very first time and I was so excited. What an adventure.

And what a pity that it came so late. I had rather grown up with receiving every shot and every injection only into my buttocks since I was a little baby. This would have been much more comfortable I think.

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