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Subject: Inj in frnt of 02 men

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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 02, 2019, 11:30: am

I was married at 23. This happened fairly recently after my marriage. Me and my father in law went on drive. While we stopped in between, I cut my finger in the car door. I washed it with water and put a band-aid around it. My father in law suggested we go to a doctor and take a tetanus shot. I am damn scared of needles and always make a fuss while getting an injection. I declined saying it was small cut. We then continued to his uncle place. It was an old house with an attached clinic that his uncle ran. I realised that he was doctor and was nervous going inside. Once inside we met him and his my wife, my father in law didnt speak about the cut until it was time for us to leave. The doctor saw the cut and said to him"He sure needs an TT injection. Come with me". He took us to the clinic. Everybody was present in the room and I was embarrassed as the bed had no curtains. I told the dr I had a TT injection recently, to which everybody giggled and his wife said,"you really aren't that big as you look, still a little boy". My father in law then asked me to lie down on the bed to which I asked dr give me the injection in the arm. He was now getting irritated and said,"Lie down quietly". Without embarrassing myself further I quietly lied down on the bed. He started preparing the injection and told my father in law"Lower his pants." I tried to resist but my father in law pulled down my shorts swiftly. My full butt was exposed in front of him. Meanwhile the dr finished preparing the shot and came to me. He then rubbed the alcohol and I tightened my butt in embarrassment. He asked my father in law to hold my legs and slapped my butt saying"Leave it loose". His wife came near the bed and assured me saying "It'll be over soon". My father in law started dr. jabbed in hard on purpose because I didn't behave earlier and when I screamed they all giggled. His wife kept saying it's done it's done while my father in law started scolding me saying"You are so big and look at you now. Crying like a little boy." The dr almost finished the shot saying"Naughty boys like you need to be treated". With that he pulled out the needle and rubbed the cotton. He asked my father in law to rub for a little while. My father in law started to rub the spot and laughing said"this was their wedding gift to you. Uncle,Can you give him another injection". They all laughed. He then pulled up my pants and asked to me get down the bed. I wiped away my tears and got down. We thanked them and they smiled at us told my father in law"Next time he is ill bring him to me. I'll keep an injection ready." Once in the car my father in law scolded me saying"It was an embarrassment. What will they say. So big and crying for an injection". When we finally reached his place he told my wife and my mother in law about it. They all laughed. My mother in law asked my wife to apply some balm on my butt later. And then once we went to bed, my wife lowered my shorts and started rubbing the balm.She scolded me saying"What a little boy you are. How you still cry for an injection".She asked to behave properly in front of her family.

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[> Subject: Re: Inj in frnt of 02 men

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2020, 08:43: pm

Jack, I can understand your reaction, and too bad you couldn't get the shot in private. At that time, how long had it been since you'd received a shot in the butt, and how did you react that time?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Inj in frnt of 02 men

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 29, 2020, 07:17: pm

I rmmber getting a shot from my ex's grandfather. I was around 21 that time. Me n my ex went out to beach n it poured down heavily. I enjoyed a couple of on-the-rocks drinks though she constantly asked me not to. As a result when we were back from our weekend, i was down with severe sore throat. So much that I couldnt hear me speak. Her grandfather was a doctor so she brought him with her when she came to check on me. Boy, I was in for five perhaps antibiotic shots, one a day. First one was then and there. I was dressed in PJs. I couldnt resist much so I quietly lied down on my couch. Much to my surprise, He prepared the shot in one of his glass syringes. My heart sank seeing that large steel needle. He quickly lowered my pants to my ankle and asked my girlfriend to hold my legs. She held them wide apart such that my balls and penis were visible. He rubbed the alcohol on my whole cheek and jabbed in slowly. It was the most painful shot i remmbr. I screamed and cried my heart out. And all he and my ex did was giggle. After he finished, he gave a quick tap on my balls and I wiggled deliciously on the couch. They both laughed hard this time and tucked my pj back. I laid there weeping while my ex comforted me. Next four were even embarrassing and painful.

Do u have any stories to share?

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