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Subject: how do you get people to help you with certain medical stuff at home? enema needed

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Date Posted: Friday, February 14, 2020, 10:41: am

I have fibromyalgia which is a condition that has widespread pain all over body, so right now my back is all messed up and I have pain elsewhere as well. well the 1st problem is none of my friends or family know about that as they would be all rude to me about it and accuse me of faking it. but secondly and most importantly I have problems sometimes with my bowels where they act up and cause me lots of trapped gas and other problems that make me cry due to the pain and pressure that I feel. I have taken an enema before a few times when this has happened to help me feel better, how ever I feel I need one right now due to same problem, but I cant do it myself at all. with having fibromyalgia it makes it hard for me to do certain things like giving myself an enema when needed. idk what to do, I need help with this and does not really have anyone to help me. also I know the best positions for doing an enema is on left side, right side and knee chest position so that way the enema can get well absorbed but I do not think I can get in any of those positions because of my back being really sure. so I was researching and found that another good position for taking an enema is by laying over someone's lap, a chat friend of mine told me he would strongly prefer me to be in that position when receiving my enema as one it would be better for me with the pain I am in, and 2nd I told him that I always toss and turn and have trouble laying still so he said that position would be the best position for me to receive the enema that way the person giving the enema can hold me still while I m receiving so I do not fidget to much and cause me pain. I think that my friend had a good idea about that position being the best one for me right now with how things are going. . I would have no trouble laying over someone's lap for an enema if it meant I would get relief from my tummy issues. but how do I ask someone to give me an enema in the first place and 2nd how do I tell them that the best position for me to be in is over there lap? I do not want to freak anyone out with it but I need help with is and I feel that an enema is best right now as well as I agree with my friend that being over someone's lap for it is best considering my pain and the fact that I I would have no trouble laying over someone's lap for an enema if it meant I would get relief from my tummy issues. but how do I ask someone to give me an enema in the first place and 2nd how do I tell them that the best position for me to be in is over there lap? I do not want to freak anyone out with it but I need help with is and I feel that an enema is best right now as well as I agree with my friend that being over someone's lap for it is best considering my pain and the fact that I fidget a lot and that I do not want to hurt myself while being given the enema. so how do I approach someone about helping me with is number 1 and number 2 how do I approach them and tell them that the best way to give it to me is over their lap 1 do to my pain and 2 do it being safer for me so that I can be held in place if needed. how do I approach this in a way that does not make me sound perverted or weird? thanks in advance for the help. people have told me to get a home health nurse by asking my doc and that is a no go. I asked him before and he said yes I needed one with all the problems I have and 2 dif companies were contacted for me and I was told I did not qualify for services because I left my apartment to go out to physical therapy for a severe knee injury and since I left my place to do that, that I did not qualify for services and could not get any from any agency and that I had to deal with it all on my own.

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