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Subject: Childhood fear of injections

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Date Posted: Sunday, March 01, 2020, 03:13: pm

As a child, I had an intense fear of needles that began in my earliest pre-school years for various immunizations and subsequent boosters and all were invariably given in my butt. This fear continued through '64, when I enlisted in the Navy and I received a myriad number of shots in one arm or the other, sometimes simultaneously in both arms by two corpsmen working together. I still didn't like needles — until the day I checked into medical to deliver my sealed record on a new base. The corpsman on duty unsealed my record and promptly announced I was overdue for additional immunizations. I watched in horror as he filled and lined up seven (7) separate syringes in front of him. I immediately determined to replace my fear of needles with a "don't care" attitude and rolled up both sleeves. Following that transitional moment, I managed to donate whole blood, plasma, and platelets 201 times over several decades, until twenty years ago, when diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now, my fear has returned. In a continued effort to keep the cancer at bay (following surgery and radiation), in three days I will receive my first hormone shot to diminish testosterone effectiveness by flooding my body with estrogen. Expected side effects include every aspect of female menopause such as hot flashes, bone density loss, mood changes, etc., and even breast development — a real change of life development. Talk about full circle!

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[> Subject: Re: Childhood fear of injections

Muskokan ()
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Date Posted: Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:07: am

Following that initial shot, it didn't take but a week or so for the hot flashes to set in — a frequent day and night experience. I'm taking a calcium supplement to offset bone loss. The weirdest reaction to the shot is that breast development is occurring. I'm not sure how I'll be dealing with this. I've been given a prescription for four additional refills of the needle kit and will be seeing the doc again next week. I've been advised to take the second needle with me. These are butt shots with timed release hormone medication.

Last edited by author: Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:10: am   Edited 1 time.
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