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Subject: I hate shots but need to get some for a job.

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Date Posted: Saturday, July 18, 2020, 06:36: pm

Hey found this site and thought someone on here could answer my questions about vaccine shots. The good news is it looks like I scored a job the bad news is I have to get shots! Getting the physical next week and they made it clear I had to get up to date on all shots. the last time I got a shot it was to get into high school (so I was like 13 or 14) and now I'm 32 and sure theres a bunch they will want to give me. And a lot of vaccine shots are dangerous if you look it up online so really not sure what to do. I always hated needles and shots and some posts on here sound even worse than the shots I got as a kid. so my questions are pretty much what shots will I be needing and how many. where will they give me the shots and the ones that hurt most. and what shots to avoid if I can.

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[> Subject: Re: I hate shots but need to get some for a job.

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Date Posted: Sunday, July 26, 2020, 02:32: pm

Yeah, I can relate to your situation, and was in a similar situation in my late 20s. Had to get up to date on a bunch of shots, and don't like needles. I that situation I had to get 4 at one visit. They should tell you which ones you need, but tetanus is likely, and others may include hep A/B, flu and maybe newer vaccines that the company requires. I had a friend who needed to travel overseas for work and he got 7 (!) divided into 2 visits. They'll start with your shoulders, and it there's more than 3 needles involved you may have a couple of sore arms and a sore butt for a few days to a week. For me, tetanus was the worst, and my friend said the immune globulin shot was the worst of them.

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[> Subject: Re: I hate shots but need to get some for a job.

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Date Posted: Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 05:50: pm

I am probably posting too late for your doctor appointment but if you’re in your 30’s and you haven’t had any shots since high school you will probably needing a bunch. I’m thinking MMR, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Polio, Meningitis and Tetanus at the minimum. They will probably want you to get the flu shot for this year too. So you’re looking at 6 to 8 shots I’d guess. It’s usually two shots in each of your upper arms (or sometimes three shots for an adult male with big shoulder muscles.) And if there are more shots you’ll get them either in your butt or in your thighs. You will probably be sore for a few days after, especially in your arms and thighs (if you get shots there.) Also you will need to go back in a month or so to get the booster shots and more in about 6 months from the first shot. For many vaccines you will need two or three shots of each one.

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