Author: Don
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Date Posted: Saturday, January 16, 2021, 06:34: pm
In the discussions on the Injection Discussion Board, you will notice that the following questions would like to be directed directly to those nurses who give shots. Please help us by answering the following questions and provide us with as much detail for each question asked as possible. Also, please share with us any additional personal experiences or emotions that are not mentioned below that you would like to share with the forum.
1. Do you enjoy giving shots to older men or women or younger people or children best?
2. When you give shots, do you find that some of your patients enjoy the total experience?
3. Do you find that giving shots provided you personally with a sexual response?
4. With men or younger men, do you find that many of them would begin to become erect by either before, during, or after
you gave them shots?
5. Do you enjoy giving shots into a tight or grossly fat bubbly behind best?
6. If you found that a person was enjoying you prepare the shot, did you prepare it front of them to help them get
sexual aroused even more?
7. Do you enjoy giving shots when the patient is either laying over your lap, standing up, or on a table?
8. After you give shots, how long do you massage their behinds to help spread the medicine into the muscle?
9. Do you find that women or girls get as sexually aroused just as men or boys?
10. As a nurse, and from this forum, do any or all these questions make you realize just how many people think about shots
but don’t necessarily discuss this subject in public because they find it embarrassing?
11. Do you find that people who get sexually aroused by shots statically either enjoy giving them or receiving them?
12. When you give shots to a patient who you are not happy with, do you "Show them" by pressing down on the plunger
as fast as you can to provide them with as much pain as possible.
13. Do you enjoy pulling the patients underpants or panties all the way down to the bottom of the buttock, or down
all the way to possibly their knees?
14. How do you best get the patient to relax their buttock so that they will have the least amount of pain when you thrust that
long silver sharp needle into their buttock?
15. Why do you think getting a long sharp needle thrust into a soft tissue behind that causes such pain when the medicine is
pushed into the muscle could possibly become a sexually aroused response to such an event?
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