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Subject: Re: As a kid I got 3 shots in the bottom in 1 trip

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Date Posted: Saturday, March 13, 2021, 09:35: pm
In reply to: Tom 's message, "As a kid I got 3 shots in the bottom in 1 trip" on Friday, March 12, 2021, 09:43: pm

It was 1980 for me. On a Saturday night I was sick with a stomach bug had been vomiting very nauseated have you gotten to the point nothing is working. starting to get dehydrated . Mom took me to the emergency room after a very brief wait they called me back. The nurse said ask mom when this started and if I just had nausea or had diarrhea if I had been running a fever mom told her just nausea and she wasn’t sure about a fever She didn’t think so..I remember her telling mom that she was going to go talk to the doctor and see if there was anything that she could go ahead and give me. And she would take my temperature when she returned I remember being in a large open room divide By Drawl curtains with the front pretty much open with what sound it like people on both sides after a few minutes she returned with another nurse and said that the doctor had told her to start me on an IV drip and the pharmacy would send down some thing for throwing up that would make me feel better fast She then told mom that she was going to go ahead and take my temperature with a rectal thermometer because of the nausea And this was embarrassing enough to have to pull my pants down lay on my stomach with A thermometer in my butt in front of my mother to nurses and knowing that the people on both sides could hear her tell this. After she did this she said that she would be right back with my medication after she walked out mom told me that it would probably either be a shot or a suppository I told mom that I hoped That it wasn’t anything else that went in my butt she said either one would go in my butt the shot or the suppository sure enough when the nurse returned she was holding A syringe she told mom that the pharmacy had sent down and injection And after getting this and seeing the doctor he said it was just a stomach bug that he was calling in some suppositories that I could pick up at the pharmacy and use them at home

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[> Subject: Re: As a kid I got 3 shots in the bottom in 1 trip

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Date Posted: Tuesday, July 27, 2021, 08:44: pm

Mike, what did you do or say when you got the shot? Was your butt sore afterwards?

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[> [> Subject: Re: As a kid I got 3 shots in the bottom in 1 trip

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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 04:34: pm

Mike, was your bottom sore afterwards?t

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: As a kid I got 3 shots in the bottom in 1 trip

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Date Posted: Thursday, July 29, 2021, 08:48: pm

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