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Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 02, 2012, 06:04: pm
In reply to: Kristin 's message, "Re: Shots while nude" on Monday, October 01, 2012, 06:02: pm

I was getting my health physical for my new job.l I was given a gown told to remove everything including my panties as I would get a rectal exam. I am 20 and was very uncomfortable, but had to comply because I really wanted this job. The doctor came in did his exam and said you need to update your tetanus. The nurse will be in a minute to give your injection. The male nure I saw out front came in carrying a small syringe. I was standing up by the exam table. He told me to turn around and hold onto to the table. I felt my gown open up and then he grabbed a handful of my bare butt and then I felt him drive that needle into my bottom and inject. He placed a bandaid on my hip and rubbed it briskly and said I could get dressed. I was surprised to find my bottom was not sore today. I guess it is true it hurts less in the butt. My friend Lana is getting hers tomorrow.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Monday, October 15, 2012, 09:38: am

I had to get a physical for a new job. I was given a gown and told to remove everything including my panties. I am 23 and was embarrased. The doctor came in and di his exam. I was told to lean over the table and then he opended my gown and put on a pair of gloves. I he put a finger up my butt and then handed me a tissue to wipe myslef off with. I am just starting to get dressed when the nurse comes in with a syringe. My gown is on the floor and I am totally naked. I quickly turn around with my bare butt facing him. He tells me I have an injection that needs to go in your hip and tells me to bend over the table table. I then feel him drive the needle in my butt and inject. I was so embarrased the shot in the butt didnt hurt. I think I tunred five shades of red.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 06, 2012, 06:01: pm

I got into some poison ivy this past weekend and I went to the ER to get some medication. I was handed a gown and told to remove all my clothes and told to put the gown with the opening in the back. The doctor came and made me take off the gown and examined both my front and back. I was so embarrased. After he was done he said the nurse will be in to give you a few injections. He said just leave your gown on. it was then I realized I was going to get some shots in my rear end. Then the nurse comes in carrying three syringes. Do you have someone to drive. I get the first shot in my arm the smaller of the three. I am looking at the other two with long needles and I told him they look long. I was told to lie on my stomach. My gown fell open exposing my bare bottom. I felt him grab my left hip and then the jab and a low burning in my hip. He said this is benadryl and will help with the itching and may make you tired. He slowly massages my butt which is sore as hell. He uncovers the long needle and as it rams it in my other hip says this will burn and he was not kidding. I lay there with tears in my eyes. He put bandiads on the sites and rubbed my butt cheeks making them feel some what better. I got dressed and he came back in to discharge me. I told him he owed me dinner for making my butt ache.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Monday, November 12, 2012, 07:17: pm

I took my girlfriend to the ER yesterday because she had an allergic reaction after she had her permanent. She broke out into hives down her back and arms. She was givne a gown and changed into it and then called me into the room. The doctor came in and had her stand and then opened her gown giving me a great look at her naked bottom. He listened to her lungs and said the nurse will be in a few minutes to give you a couple of injections. The nurse came in and told her she needed to lie on the table. He flipped open her gown exposing her tight buttocks. I am going to give you one injection in each hip as he wiped the right side. he upcapped the long needle and plunged it deep in her butt causing her to jump and she started to tear up as he finished the injection. Then he quickly upcapped the second one which had a larger needle and darted it in on the opposite side causing her to jump again. She was crying when he finished. He told me you might want to rub her butt a few moments and then put bandiads on the sites. He rubbed my very sore butt and put bandaids on both sites. I forgot about being butt naked when the first needle pierced my butt.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Saturday, December 29, 2012, 02:33: pm

I had bronchitis and my boyfriend took me to the ER. After the doctor saw me I asked that they allow my boyfriend to come back. I was sitting on the table in my gown when he came in. The nurse came back in and closed the door. She said young man you need to step out while I give this poor thing this injection in her bottom. I said no let him stay he can hold my hand. She said okay sarah you need to roll over on your stomach and she just flipped open my gown. She pulled down my panties to my knees. She wiped a spot and gave my bare butt a really hard smack and then I felt her jab the needle in my butt making me squeeze his hand really hard. I started to cry like a little girl as she gave me the shot. You don't have much muscle and this shot does sting a bit as she pulled out the needle. She told my boyfriend if she doesnt mind you might want to rub her bottom a few minutes. After about five minutes he pulled up my panties and helped me get dressed. I asked him if he liked what he saw and he said of course.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shots while nude

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Date Posted: Saturday, April 27, 2013, 12:35: pm


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