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Subject: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

Rabies shot "survivor"
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Date Posted: Wednesday, July 17, 2013, 04:24: pm

As a youngster, I went through the dreaded, "the cure is worse than the disease", which was the daily, for 21 days of needles being put into my stomach, known as "rabies shots".

That was back in the very late 50s. What do I remember? Pain, for starters...anxiety every time for the next 20 days after my first abdominal injection when I entered the hospital. It was difficult to get away. I'd wind up on the table, my shirts lifted up and the needles being put into my abdomen with a great deal of screaming and crying.

Other than that, I don't remember the nuances of those injections that today I often wonder about. So I'm asking if there are any nurses, inparticular, who had to administer the pasteure treatment to children or adults in the 60s, 70s, or 80s, where the shots were still given abdominally. I don't remember, but I am curious to know if the gauge of the needles was always the same and if the length of the needles were also the same.

Any honest feedback would be apprecioated by this survivor of the rabies shots given in the stomach. And I know there are probably many out there who endured those excruciatingly painful injections.


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[> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

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Date Posted: Friday, July 26, 2013, 07:56: pm

Let me tell you about my experience yesterday. I am 20 and weigh 120 pounds. I picked up a stray cat and was feeding it. It bit me while I was feeding it and then ran out the door. I looked for a week unable to find it. My doctor told me if I could not locate it I would have to get the rabies regimen. I went back yesterday and they gave me the 1cc pink vaccine in my deltoid. I said that wasn't bad. The nurse said we are not done. We need to get your weight. He came back in about 15 minutes carrying four syringes. He said you are getting two in each of your hips. I laid on the bed and pulled down my jeans. he pulled down my panties exposing my entire butt. One by one he put that long needle deep in my butt and slowly injected. I was crying on the second shot. He rubbed my cheeks a few minutes giving me time to recompose and then gave me the other two. I do not know how bad they were in the stomach but my butt hurts so bad today. I am never going to touch a stray again.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

Rabies shots survivor
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Date Posted: Monday, July 29, 2013, 12:25: pm

Mindy I appreciate your input. The stomach injections were very painful, that much I remember.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 01, 2013, 08:31: pm

I have been there! My rabies shots were given thru the center of my Navel! Very painful! I dreaded every clinic visit, when called back to lay down on the table, and the nurse asked for me to unbutton my shirt, and pull it off to the side. Once the nurse swabbed my navel with alcohol, and then pulled the cap off the long needle, once it hit my navel, I thought I was being stabbed

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

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Date Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014, 05:21: pm

I had a young girl 22 come into our ER this morning that was bitten by a kitten on Monday. She was not able to locate the kitten so she had to get 10cc of the rabies immune globulin in her bottom and one shot in the arm. Usually half is given in the injection site and the other half in the butt. She had two fingers with bites and it can not be given in the digits. I had all five syringes laying out. I gave her the shot in her deltoid and told her she would need to return according to the schedule. I then explained that she needed to slide down her jeans and that she would be getting two injection in each hip. She laid flat on the table and I pulled down her lacey red panties. I old her to pint her toes inward and then slowly cleaned a spot on the left cheek and placed the first of four 18g needles in her butt making her jump each time. She actually did really good with them all. I alternated back and forth. Afterward I put four snoopy banaids on her butt and rubbed her butt cheeks for a few minutes until she said it was better. I pulled up her panties and helped her with her jeans. Wow! That is not something I want to go through again. I told her bottom would be sore for the next few days and that she should try to walk it in. I see you not wearing a wedding ring, are you married she asked? No I am not. Well why don't you join me for dinner tonight because I am sure I could use another massage this evening. We exchanged phone numbers. I can tell you from having to give those injections they are not any fun especially if you get all of it in your butt. That was two with 3cc's and 2 with 2cc's.Her tiny butt muscle could not have handled the 5cc in each cheek.

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[> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 05, 2013, 05:54: am

Hmm... I have been attempting to research this particular form of injection myself. There is amazingly little information to find on the subject ANYWHERE, and the information I have found seems to be a conflicting mass of contradictions.

As to the gauge & length of the needles, the information I have found on the (increasing unreliable internet) seems to state medical practitioners used thick gauge, and rather long needles. This would seem to imply that the needle needed to be inserted deep into the abdomen. Far beyond the skin and muscle layer. I always assumed the vaccine had to be administered into the abdominal cavity, or else, directly into a particular internal organ. Do you yourself have any recollection of the length of needle used for your procedure, or have any memory at all as to the sensation of how deeply the shot was administered? This might give a clue as to which one of the conflicting mass of descriptions available online might be closer to the truth.

I am amazed there are practically no official accounts, images, or photographs available relating to this particular shot. It must have been a very common medical procedure, and yet, 30 years on, its as if it was the stuff of fairy tails! one of my pet peeves about research!!

Anyway, any further information you are able to remember, or gather, will be very gratefully received!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nurses who gave rabies shots in the stomach.

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 05, 2013, 02:45: pm

Thank you for your input to the question I posed. It's been a very long time, and other than seeing and experiencing these long needles, I couldn't tell how deeply they went in, but they were long enough and sharp enough to create extreme pain for me.
That being said, I agree with your assessment of the availability of information in medical text or images of this past treatment protocol not being as available on the web as some might think. should I come across more, I'll post. again thanks.

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