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Subject: Re: Flu shots

Flu RN
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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 07:56: pm
In reply to: Flu RN 's message, "Flu shots" on Sunday, September 22, 2013, 08:14: pm

I conducted a flu clinic at a small drive through bank that had 5 tellers. All five of the girls were gorgeous. The first girl came into the break room and tunred around pulled up her dress. She had on a thong so all of her butt cheek was exposed. I wiped a spot and darted her with the needle. She dropped her dress and said thanks. The next girl came in and watched as I drew up the shot. She wanted it in her arm which I did and she said that stings as I injected. Then two girls came in together. We heard her yell so you can give it to us in our hip and they both tunred around and lifted up thier dress. They both pulled down their panties and leaned over the table. They watch as I each of the shot. They pulled up their panties and thanked me and walk out. The last girl finished with her customer and came in and closed the door. She was wearing a very short red dress with a pair of boots. This is my first flu shot and I am scared. I said you just need to relax. I think I need to lie down. I had her lie across my lap and I flipped up her dress and pulled down her red panties. From her waist down to the bottom of her butt cheeks her bottom was white as paper. I cleaned a spot and she tensed up. I delivered two firm whacks to her white bun making it turn red and darted and injected. I rubbed her left hip a few times and pulled up her panties. Her bun was still red. She got up rubbing her butt and I said see, you never felt the needle. Your right.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Flu shots

Flu RN
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Date Posted: Friday, September 27, 2013, 11:26: am

I did a another clinic yesterday at a small branch at US Bank. One of the girls told me that last year her arm was sore afterward for 2 days. She is a very petite girl and I told her she did not have much muscle in her arm and that is would not ache if she got it in a larger muscle in hip. Lets try it there. We stepped into the bathroom and she unfastened her slacks and lowered them and her hose. She held onto the sink and I pulled down her flowery panties. I cleaned a spot on the right and uncapped the needle and put the needle in her butt and injected. I rubbed the spot and pulled up her panties. Your good. She came out and told the other two girls he is good. She patted her butt and said he shot me right there and I didnt even feel it. The bigger girl said I want it in my arm and that is where she got it. The last girl said ok and walked into the bathroom. She was wearing a blouse and skirt and pair of knee high boots. I told her to hold onto the sink and I flipped up her skirt. I pulled down her tiger print panties exposing her firm white buns. She jumped as i wiped the alcohol acorsss her right hip. I pinched a handful of her muscle and put the needel deep in her butt and injected and then rubbed the spot a few times. I started to pull up her panties and she said rub it a little longer which I did. Thanks she said and stop by my window on the way out. I did and she gave me her card with phone number and said call.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Flu shots

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Date Posted: Tuesday, October 01, 2013, 10:52: pm

My sister and her friend Erica were over at my apartment yesterday for dinner. Erica was getting a beer out of the refrigerator and she noticed I had some medicine vials. I told her they were flu vials. She said I never have had one. Stephanie said you had better becareful or you will be getting one. I was surprised when Erica said he can give me one. They went and got in their bathing suits. My sister came out first and I had already filled the two syringes. Come on over sis and get yours. She came over and untied her bikini bottoms baring her butt. I pinched her small butt muscle and darted her in the hip. She tied her bottoms back on and told Erica come on over he is painless. Erica walked over and I untied her bottoms and bared her cute butt. She was tense and I grabbed her left cheek and massaged it until she relaxed and then quickly darted her and injected. I then helped her tie up her bottoms. We all went for a swim afterwards. Erica said I had not planned on getting a shot let alone letting you see my bare butt. My sister said do you have any idea how many bare butts he sees each day.

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