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Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 08, 2014, 10:26: pm
In reply to: Amber and Allison 's message, "Rocephin" on Thursday, February 06, 2014, 04:07: pm

I am the third co-worker who had to be treated for the exposure. I had already been warned I was going to get a shot and it would be in my butt by Amber and Allison. At first I was not going to go and then I read about it on the computer and when they said possibly death as complication that was all I needed to read. The male nurse drew up the injection as I watched. I laid on the table on my stomach. He lifted up my dress above my waist and pulled down my panties. I gripped the sides of the table and he told me to point my toes inward. He pinched my butt cheek a few times and then I felt him stab me with the needle and inject. He pulled out the needle and rubbed my cheek a few times. As I pulled up my panties that is when the burn started and it had me in tears. I could not move at first it hurt so bad. The nurse raised my skirt and began to massage my cheek. I pushed down my panties and asked him to massage my butt. It hurt the first few minutes but eventually subsided. I am 22 and that is the most painful shot I have ever received. The nurse did a good job, it was the medication itself.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 06:12: pm

Me and my two roonmates had to get a shot of rocephin and it was not any fun. We all came down with strep throat on a recent college cheer leading competion. We were all running a fever and had chills. Unfortunately we all drank after each other. We were given the opion of po antibiotics in which we would have had to withdrawl from the event or get a shot and be out for one day. We were not happy at all. My brother was with us and he is a nurse. He explained that we needed to lie flat and relax and that it should not be too bad. When the older nurse came in I told her my brother was a nurse and would it be okay if he gave us our shots.If you don't mind that will free me up. I told my two friends, e is good he always gives me my flu shot. I went and got him from the waiting room. All three syringes were lying on the counter. He said Sam why don't you go first. All three of us are 18 and not wanting to be a chicken I climbed up on the table and laid flat. He flipped up my skirts and pulled down my shorts baring my butt. The other two got wide eyed as he cleaned a spot on my right hip. He uncapped the needle and plunged it deep in my butt and slowly injected. I tried not to cry , but the tears came. Afterward he slowly rubbed my hip a few monents and placed a bandaid on the spot. Jenny went next. he flipped up her skirt and pulled down her shorts exposing her tight bottom in a thong. She jumped as he placed his hand firmly acorss her hip. She screamed out as the 18g needle went deep in her butt, and begin to beg him to pull out the needle as he slowly injected. Afterward he slowly massaged her butt for a few minutes. Karla said I don't want that shot please. We told her look we just got it and without you we can't participate. She finally relented and laid on the table. H flipped up her skirt and pulled down her shortsexposing her very nicely tanned bottom. She put her hands across her butt cheeks. He pushed them away telling her to relax. he told her he was going to slap her on the left cheek prior to the needle stick so she would not feel the stick. On three he slapped her left hip twice and quickly placed the needle deep in her butt. Afterward she said she did not feel the stick or the injection until he pulled out the needle. She said her bottom was stinging from his had slap across her bare butt. He told us sometimes he will slap their bare butts a couple of times as it distracts them from the injection. Jenny and I told him next time we will ask for it. Karla got up and pulled up her shorts. later that night we all had sore bottoms when we went out to get dinner, but the next day we all felt much better.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 10:28: pm

I got a thorn in my finger and it got injected and I had to go to the ER for antibiotics. The doctor said I needed some antibiotics and said he would give me a shot. I was talking with my boy friend when the male nurse came in carrying a small syringe and another larger one. He said one is a tetanus and the other a antibiotic shot. He said I will need you to loosen you jeans and lay on your stomach. I said I prefer to have them in my arm and he said well this one can go in your arm , but this is bigger and has to go get in your hip. My boyfriend said I will step out and I said know please stay. He helped me slide my jeans down. He pulled down my blue panties baring my bottom. The nurse came over with the tetanus shot and quickly put needle in my butt an gave me the shot. He rubbed my left hip a few times. I looked at my boyfriend who was looking at my bare butt and said wow that was not bad. Then the nurse places his hand firmly on my right butt cheek and pinches up the muscle and as he jabs the longer needle deep in my butt and squeeze my boyfriends hand. Now comes the burn and he sure was not kidding. I gasped and had tears in my eyes when he was done. You might want to rub her hip a few monents and work that into her muscle. Sorry honey that was a lot to put in the small bottom of yours , but you needed it. It hurt so bad for the next few minutes , but eventually it subsided and he helped pull up my panties and jeans. On the way home I told my boyfriend this is your lucky night. I am going to let you rub and stroke my butt and make this pain go away. MY butt hurt for three days afterward and unfortunately I had to go back yesterday for two more. The rose bush is going away this week.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Monday, February 24, 2014, 01:11: am

That same story of your boyfriend who is a nurse is really getting old. I don't know many places that would let someone off the street give you a shot, just because you say your a nurse. The board is best served with real stories of real people.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Monday, February 24, 2014, 06:35: pm

It does happen JK. If a patient tells me their husband or boyfriend is a nurse and they want him to give them the shot then that is what I let them do. We do that in our ER and it is failryl common. It is their butt that is getting a needle and if they trsut the person then that is fine with me. I would prefer someone I no to give me the shot that a complete stranger. I have been a nurse for 28 years so this is not something new here.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2014, 04:31: pm

No Tim. They should bring the vial in with a syringe so that you can verify it. If they truly are a nurse they will ask about allergies before giving the injection.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Sunday, March 02, 2014, 01:07: am

So let me get this straight. This is new knowledge to me. If I am a nurse, I can go into any hospital and ask to administer medication to someone as long as I have the permission of the attending ER nurse or PA etc? And this is especially true if I actually know the patient personally? So if the Administration of the Hospital learned of this, it would be okay. No one did any wrong and no one would be written up. I never knew that. You taught me something new.....Thanks

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Tuesday, March 04, 2014, 08:39: am

If it is your family member or a close friend who asked you to give them the shot. Not just anyone. Again the nurse at the hospital would have to honor the request. I always have my license so I can show them I am a nurse.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 27, 2014, 02:41: am

I can clearly see there would be severe liability issues if, by chance, something went wrong. For instance, if the nurse-friend were to find out he gave the wrong medicine? Who is liable? What about allergic reactions leading to death? Who is liable? Hospitals and Clinics are the last people willing to risk liability. It is for that reason I would question the validity of many of these stories. And the fake ones are quite a drag.....

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Rocephin

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Date Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014, 11:26: pm


Not sure if you are a RN, I'm not, just have an IM-injection fetish, nothing better than the real deal. I also don't see the excitement of having someone who sees you everyday give you the shot..for me being a male, nothing more exciting than to be injected by a female I don't know. It's not about the attraction of the nurse, its all about the control she has and having to do what she instructs.

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