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Subject: Re: Slip on ice

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 04:26: pm
In reply to: Tim 's message, "Re: Slip on ice" on Thursday, February 20, 2014, 12:33: am

Tim not all doctors treat pain in the same way. Orthopedic doctors are the worse. They always with hold pain medications.

Our ER doctor knew Cassie and for her to accept the pain shot and zofran he knew she was not kidding. She is a wimp when it comes to needles or blood. She was also sent home on pain pills.

Most of the time the zofran will take effect in 20-30 minutes as well as the pain medications. Given IV it works faster and lasts shorter time, and when given IM takes longer to act , but lasts longer.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Slip on ice

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 06, 2014, 08:52: am

My first patient at triage was this very cute blonde who was brought in by her boss. She slipped on the ice and landed on her hand. Her right wrist was very swollen. I placed a ice pack on it and sent her to xray. When she came back I put her in one of our treatment rooms. The doctor came in and looked at the films and told her it was not broken, but she had a bad sprain. He told me to put an OCL splint on it. She told the doctor it was hurting really bad and she felt nauseated. Give her 60mg toradol and 4 mg zofran before applying the OCL. I came back carrying two small syringes. Two shots? I said one was for pain and the other for nausea and you will get one in each hip. I told her to stand and turn around. She was wearing a red sweater, black leather skirt and boots. I helped her unzip her skirt and let it fall to the ground. She had on a sheer pair of red panties which I pulled down below her butt cheeks. She leaned over the gurney. I told her to bend her right leg and then quickly poked the 20g needle deep in her hip and then slowly injected. Ouch! Ouch she repeated, that stings. Afterward I massaged the site a few times. I am 20 and this is the first time I can remember gettting a shot in my butt. I told her they are not any fun. She flexed her left leg and I put the needle into her butt cheek and gave her the second shot. Afterwards I placed a bandaid on each site and pulled up her panties. She said my wrist no longer hurts. I helped her get her skirt back on and then placed the OCL on her wrist. I gave her a script for pain meds and a work excuse. As she walked out she thanked me for the sore butt.

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