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Subject: Re: Iron appreciated.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 11:39: am
In reply to: Richard 's message, "Iron appreciated." on Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 03:27: pm

The iron shots are only given in the buttocks and they have to use the Z track technique so the fluid does not come back up and stain the skin. 1.5 inch 22 gauge probably will be used. Usually the patient goes to their doc once a week or more often for a shot until the total dosage is received. They only give 2 cc at a time in a shot of the iron. I have never given or received a shot of it, but I have calculate the total dosage several times for docs. It depends on your hemoglobin. Most patients need 5-8 shots given over a few weeks time.

If you get the shots please let me know how many and how they feel.

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[> Subject: Re: Iron appreciated.

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 27, 2014, 06:09: pm

Tom thanks for your response. I was seen by visiting nurses a couple of days back. The blood work I'd had done showed I might be slightly anemic. I wasn't given an iron shot at that visit, but my doctor called in a prescription to help me out, though she wanted me started with a B-12 shot.(the home visit) That I got in my right hip from one of the nurses. And because there was a concern as to my body temperature being lower than it should be; while I was on my stomach about to receive the B-12, I had a rectal core temperature reading taken with some type of low reading thermometer. I was low. The shot wasn't too bad. If I do need and get the iron shot(s), I'll advise. Right now I feel great between the prescription and that B-12 shot. But I might be monitored a bit more for my low body temperature. I questioned the route (rectally) and was told it was a core reading and that is what the doctor wanted measured, so in my butt went the thermometer. No biggie though. I've had a colonoscopy, so a thermometer is no real concern, just wasn't expecting it to be taken anally. Thanks again for your response.

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