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Subject: Zofran

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Date Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2014, 11:34: am

I came in for my friends funeral and was staying at their house. After the visitation we went out to eat and I think I got food poisoning. When we got back to their house I started feeling really sick and started vomiting. Her brother is a nurse and he said I have some zofran and I can give you some and that should help with your nausea. I felt so bad I said sure if it will help. My friend Bonnie said you can go into my room for the shot. I went into her room and sat on the bed and he came in and drew up one syringe. I asked if it was going to make my arm sore and h said no, but it might sting a little in your hip. he then explained that it had to go deep in my butt muscle. He told me to lie across her bed. I raised up my hips and he pulled up the dress over my hips. Then he pulled down my panties to my mid thigh. I saw him admiring my butt. He said you have a really cute firm butt their Bethany. I felt him rub the alcohol across my left hip. I am deepely tanned except for the center portion of my butt cheeks. He told me to point my toes inward. He placed this hand firmly acorss my left cheek and then I felt him plunge the needle in my ass and inject. Yikes did it burn. Afterward he rubbed the site a minute and helped pull up my panties. I have one more dose and you might need this in 8 hours. I got up and rubbing my butt. I hope not,but if I do you get the honor. That was the best shot I have had in my butt. I did get another one in my butt at 0600 when I woke up still feeling a little nauseous. This time I had on a night shirt and he met me in the bathroom. I leaned over the sink and when he raised my night shirt to his surprise my bare bottom was fully exposed. He slapped my right cheek and then stuck me with the needle and injected. I said why did you slap me on my bare butt. Did you feel me stick you this time and I said no. That's why. Plus he said I could not resist giving that firm little butt of yours a slap.

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