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Subject: Re: qould you give choice between pills and a shot

Nick (refusing injection)
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Date Posted: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 06:48: pm
In reply to: mandi 's message, "qould you give choice between pills and a shot" on Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 07:49: pm

Having grown up in the era of penicillin shots, visits to the doctor normally ended with me pulling everything down to my ankles and bending over the receptionist's lap to get one. I feared the embarrassment more than the pain, especially in adolescence because I deemed the treatment childish. When I went to the doctor with his beautiful teenaged daughter acting receptionist during the school holidays, I was more terrified than ever before. I really fancied her and desperately craved her respect, so I didn't want her even to know that I still got injections back there, much less endure the incredible humiliation of bending across her delightfully mini-skirted lap for her to watch me get one where I sit. By the time the doctor received me I was so pent-up with fearful emotion that his rhetorical question, "How about a shot?" made me burst into tears and he made it worse by asking in the girl's presence, "What's wrong? It's just your usual shot in the bottom." He relented and prescribed pills but I later realised that my tantrum must have made me appear even more childish to his daughter than I would have bare-bottomed across her lap for the shot.

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