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Subject: injections (twice weekly)

tt (ouch)
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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 12:41: am

I am trying to lose my last 5 pounds so I purchased a set of 12 twelve weight loss injections. When I went in to get the first one I was shocked to have the nurse tell me "this is going into your Butt!" It was embarrassing to be there with my pants down while she swabbed it and then let the alcohol dry. The shot stung a little and hurt on the way home. I didn't w ant to go back but my husband keep taking me back because it is paid for already. So this is twice a week. This week I was getting shot number 5 (third week) but it was a new nurse than I had sen before. After I lowered my pants a little she tugged them down all the way then quickly swabbed and jabbed the needle in before I even had the weight off my leg. I cant even describe his much it hurt and it made me yell out and moan a little. On the way home I cried. It hurt really bad the rest of the day and I could hardly sleep that night. Now I have to go back tomorrow and it still hurts! Rubbing it hurt but might have helped. I am soscared of tomorrow.

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[> Subject: Re: injections (twice weekly)

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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 07:01: pm

You have my empathy but I have had worse. I once had to get a penicillin shot every day for nine days. From the third one on (both buttocks already injection-sore), they really began to hurt and within a week I couldn't sit down at all. When I pulled down my pants for the final injection, the nurse noticed that my bottom was so sore she asked if I wanted to be held down.

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