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Subject: Re: Fertility shot

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 01, 2014, 04:35: pm
In reply to: Carli 's message, "Fertility shot" on Thursday, March 20, 2014, 12:57: pm

I am 23 and today was my first fertility injection. My neighbor who is a good friend of mine went with me to my appointment. I asked him about the injection and he said they are usually given in the hip. At first I said no way. I saw the doctor and told him my neighbor is a nurse and I would prefer that he give me the injection. He said that was fine and handed me the small vial. When we got home he asked if I wanted to wait until my husband got home. No need. He would probably faint at the thought of getting a needle placed in his butt. I unzipped my slacks and pushed them down and laid on the couch. I watched as he filled the syringe using what looked like a long needle. He said this is an 18g needle and it is 1.5 inches long. He pulled down my green panties exposing my untanned bottom. I felt the cold alcohol across my left hip. Then I felt this sharp pain as he put the needle in my butt making me scream out and jump. He gave me a few seconds to try to relax and then slowly injected the thick medicine. Afterward he pulled out the needle and rubbed my muscle for a few minutes and pulled up my panties. I hope this works the first time. If you don't mind please rub it some more and I bared my bottom. I stood up rubbing my butt and pulled up my slacks. Next month you get it in the right hip. I have to say that was one painful shot, but i know he is good and we really want a baby so a little pain in the butt is worth it.

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