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Date Posted: 14:55:17 01/26/25 Sun
Author: .....
Subject: Again suh a lovely response lol
In reply to: Can’t even accept the flaws and listen but blame blame blame everyone else 's message, "If you can’t figure this simple matter out there’s not hope for CNRG" on 14:30:37 01/26/25 Sun

I have no control over what cnrg do. I am a parent and just giving my opinion. U are the one who is clearly not reading my responses lol. I have just said that there is plenty that cnrg can do better but we are talking about yesterdays venue which was fine! As i said yes, past venues have been too small but they hav't used those ones since!
We obviously have different ideas on being trampled on lol trampled on usually means you step on someone. Squeezing/pushing past is completely different and again that happens when people stand in the walk ways instead of sitting down. Thats not cnrg's fault as there are plenty of seats (even more if people take their stuff off them). Cnrg can't make people sit down. All parents/teachers are responsible for their own children. They should be encouraging them to sit on the seats provided and not on the floor or stand in walkways and not running riot around the venue. There would be no issues with what you are moaning about if everyone just sat down 🤷‍♀️
When have i said its always the same person moaning about cnrg? I know lots of people have a lot to say and i will often have a moan about the late nights lol but Just saying, say it direct to cnrg rather than on here and they might actually listen or have a conversation with you to explain why they do things the way they do!
Who am i bring down?? Got no issues with any other org and happily attend them all but just stating a fact that they all run late often 🤷‍♀️

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  • Spoken like a true OPIDF “member” .. how boring …. I really feel bad for you (NT) -- Jealousy is an ugly thing babes, 15:50:26 01/26/25 Sun
  • Ok Cieran you sound very bitter that people are complaining about your org (NT) -- You actually sound just like EB think you have been cut from the block, 16:00:44 01/26/25 Sun

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