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So "Seven Days Until Night" is TurtleBoy's first big jump into the vampire genre, and his addition to the "Blood Bank" stories comes with a really different take on the idea altogether. And it's really interesting to see him build his characters and his storyline this way! It locks you in because of the major uncertainty involved in what happens next. That's always a plus!
I always try to keep my reviews 'spoiler free', but I may touch on a few things here that might come off better as a surprise. So if you haven't read the story yet, go check it out on the "GFD: Blood Bank" site (The link to this story is HERE!) and check it out first!
The story starts off with 'Caesar', a young teen moving into a brand new house and a neighborhood with his parents. Everything is still in a bit of disarray for the first few days, boxes need to be moved, little glitches in the house have to be fixed up, and the like...and the first half of this series surrounds his first few days of moving in.
We're soon introduced to 'Alex', who is a beautiful boy of the same age and happens to live next door. Close enough to see right into Caesar's window, if he wants too. ::Snickers:: And, as to be expected, to the two quickly become friends, and our story moves on from there.
What I like about this story, especially in the beginning, is that there are different possibilities brought up as to what's really going on once things get 'weird' for Caesar. I found myself wondering, 'Is it the house?' 'Is it Caesar himself?' 'Is it Alex?' (I actually thought that Alex was going to end up having something to do with this, but now I don't think so) It definitely keeps you guessing along with the main character, and as more odd situations begin to're constantly being pulled in further to figure out exactly what's taking place here, and why.
Now, knowing me and my 'Comsie Ways'...I'm going to talk about more detail. Because that's just me. More more more! Hehehe! I really like the atmosphere set up in the first two chapters of the story. It comes off as being really unsettling in a lot of ways. Even creepy. I would say that TurtleBoy should slow the pace of the story down more to really bring a richness to those early scenes where he's moving into the house. The light bulbs and the dust and the darkness...I'd love to see him build on that a bit more. Get into the character's head to see how he feels moving into this giant house for the first time, the empty rooms, and the silence, etc. I really liked the feel of it. Also, a bit more on seeing Alex for the first time, and the two of them meeting. They seem like such a sweet couple of boys who 'fit' in ways that makes the fast friendship really believable.
To demonstrate the 'detail' point...move forward to Chapter 4! Excellent! That's EXACTLY what I mean, right there! (Possible spoilers ahead)
So after checking for Caesar's fangs and all, and maintaining the cute and friendly vibe between the two main characters...there's a really sweet moment that they share together. It's intimate, and sensual, and superbly done. It feels like that scene was paced perfectly. Things slow down a bit, and TurtleBoy adds every detail. Every thought. Every feeling and sensation. You feel the tension, the confusion, the fear, the excitement...the whole scene comes to life. And it's SEXY! :) Realistic and involving and sexy. So, when building the dark atmosphere of the house, or the confused feelings over losing periods of time or waking up in places where he doesn't belong...I would love for that same detail and development to be just as present as it was in that last scene in Chapter 4.
Overall, a seriously enjoyable read! I'm still full of questions at the moment, but Caesar's still got three days to go! My biggest question is..."Who did the biting? And why?" I'll have to get my 'Ghost-pire' handbook and figure out how those things work! Hehehe!
Cheers, TurtleBoy! Keep going, dude!
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