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One question that I felt needed to be answered since one of the past "Gone From Daylight" chapters, one that was posted a long LONG time ago, is...."Where the hell did 'Comicality' go in all of this?" Because that character hasn't been a part of the story for quite some time, and while he's been mostly hidden in the shadows, it was understood that he was still doing his best to not only watch over Justin and his development, but that he was also there to train and protect him along the way. So what happened?
"GFD: Executive Order" was written to answer a few questions that had been previously lost in the fog of mystery surrounding Comicality's role in all of this as well as his connection to the Elders, and to also update the readers as to what's been going on with the shadowed figure since he's been out of the spotlight.
Fans of "Gone From Daylight" may remember a private conversation with Justin and 'Dizz' (Who helped to train him and make him stronger), where it was revealed that Justin's presence in the world had been revealed, and that the vampire Elders had now targeted Comicality for termination due to his disloyalty to the order. So he has been forced underground to finish his scriptures and hopefully keep his faith in Justin to learn all that he needs to learn on his own if he is ever going to find his way to the vampire dawn. Knowing the danger he is in, he can't be anywhere near Justin for fear that it will lead the Elders' assassins right to him. So they've had no contact since he became a target.
This story revolves one of the many hit squads who have been deployed to murder Comicality and bring him back to the Elders to face justice for his betrayal. Including an old friend of his, Diego, who has been added to the roster of soldiers to hopefully distract Comicality and give them a better chance of doing what needs to be done. Both of them have been trained by the same extremely skilled vampire, named Master Zen (Which is a character that will be further expanded upon in the "GFD: Blood Money" series), but Diego's current mission has set them both at odds with one another.
In earlier chapters of "Gone From Daylight" (Starting in "Hunting Grounds"), it is revealed to Justin that this 'Comicality' vampire has been going from one end of the city to the other, slaughtering...and in fact, disemboweling, other vampires who are seen to be a potential threat. The vampire, Tim, tells Justin about this while examining him to figure out his extra. But when Justin asks Comicality about it directly, he says, quite simply..."It wasn't me."
While some of these horrendous acts are because of the "Beast", this story let's readers know that the Elders have been actively 'hunting' boys Like Justin for a very long time. All who may be candidates for being more powerful than expected. Assassins have been dispatched to make sure that these vampires never mature and realize the power they hold. It was Comicality's belief in the idea that Justin is actually the 'chosen one' that kept Justin safe. And led to him training the young boy in the first place. Diego, in this story, is one of the assassins meant to kill him before he realizes what he is. And that's where this story came from.
It catches everybody up on where Comicality is (In the newest "GFD" chapter, Justin wonders if Com is 'dead' or not), and it goes back to give some added explanation as to what was going on beforehand, and why Comicality found and took such an interest in Justin to begin with. I hope you guys enjoyed it! :)
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