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Very simple combination:
One half, Eddie Furlong...
And one half, Vincent Kartheiser...
Those were the two boys that went into Taryn's design as a character, and he was the first one I thought up out of the entire series. Of course that was YEARS ago!
In order for me to pick a new boy for Taryn...he has to have three things...
1) Taryn's pattented, medium length, dark reddish brown hair. (Although, some of the ones on this list, you'll just have to imagine their hair being longer.)
2) Lovely, expressive eyes. They don't have to be green, but just beautful eyes. Soft features. Almost 'pretty'.
3) Vulnerability. Taryn is a delicate character. Sensitive. Sweet. Sensual. So I definitely wanted someone who could be kinda soft, with a quality that almost makes you want to mother him.
Those three things were key! So's the list! :)
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