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For those of you who just sank their teeth into the newest chapter of "Blood Ties", many questions have been raised as to where the story is heading from here on out! As the entire saga begins to enter it's third and 'final' act (Don't worry, hehehe, there are still PLENTY of added chapters to go), the stakes will be raised higher than they've ever been before for Justin and his beloved Taryn. As well as for the rest of his newfound family in darkness.
While I've had a great deal of fun bringing Justin up from the scared young teen that he was in the beginning and turning him into an extremely powerful force to be reckoned with...he's NOT invincible. This is something that he is finally starting to understand. He's lost people that are close to him, and he will lose more if he's not careful. He can't protect the whole world, and as long as his heart is open to love, friendship, trust, and family...he will always have an exploitable weakness for his enemies to use against him. And those enemies will very quickly grow in number.
Justin's rumored appearance in darkness will have a major effect on everything in the modern vampire world. It shakes the ground in ways where everyone can feel it. Even if you read through some of the direct spinoffs like "Circle Nocturnus", "Business As Usual", "Executive Order", and others) you'll begin to see the disturbance that the vampire Mimic's very existence is stirring up among the few who know about him. People seeking power, people seeking help, people who want to keep him from finding his destiny. So expect to see more shockwaves travel outward now that the Elders have made him a priority.
Readers can also expect to have the answers to some of their most puzzling questions unravel in the next few chapters. Revelations about The Jeweler and his intentions, as well as how he plans to guide Justin to the Vampire Dawn. Questions about the Elders and their role in all of this. Also...what will Comicality's fate be? Is 'Rage' still alive? Is The Beast completely gone from Justin's subconscious...or do parts of it still remain? Also questions about Richie's awakening, and how Justin's best friend will impact the story from then on.
So, good times are coming! Hehehe! More adventures to be had! More characters to encounter along the way! The ride will get a bit rockier than usual soon, and I hope you guys will enjoy it!
Until next time...enjoy the daylight! :P
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