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Subject: Oireachtas Team Allotment

Elisa Richardson
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Date Posted: 20:37:02 09/15/13 Sun

Hello - I like the ideas of a per dancer amount as well with a maximum amount to be evaluated each year (i.e. this year say $2200). Just to ensure that the school has the funds it needs in the event of any unforeseen issues.

I came up with the $2200 by averaging the highest and lowest amounts contributed over the years and it was approximately $100 depending on the position the school is in. Then for this year anyway, this would allow for approximately 1/2 of the general funds to date to be allotted to dancers with a maximum cap though to make sure the school has enough money for other items (i.e. parade expenses, etc.). ($75 is also fine as well...I just tried to play with numbers a bit based on past years).

Then, once we have the Mark's Pizzeria fundraiser underway, perhaps people could be given the option to sell X amount for the general fund and whatever else goes to their personal accounts should they choose to sell more towards that. This will help ensure the general account gets replenished. Thanks!

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