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Subject: Board Attention Request - Oireachtas Team Allotment

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Date Posted: 18:59:04 09/15/13 Sun

Hi there,
Several years ago it was voted on & approved that the proceeds raised from the Chinese Auction at our annual Irish Afternoon would go towards our Oireachtas Team dancers. We did not host an Irish Afternoon in 2013 therefore no funds have been allotted towards this years Oireachtas dancers.
It was also voted on that this determination would be revisited through the years as the school changed & grew, those factors being- the general funds available at the time and other Major Competitions that came about that would be sending a group of dancers. This topic has not be revisited in quite some time & now that the topic has obviously changed, I believe that it should be.
It is my suggestion that an amount from the Parents General Fund be contributed to those dancers competing on the 2013 Oireachtas team. Currently the General Fund account has about $5000 (All of the receipts have not been entered from the Workshop yet, however it is solely the meals left to enter. I also still need to enter my room cost for the Oireachtas).
An idea of how much has been contributed in previous years is below-
2012 = $1319 (17 dancer split = $77)
2011 = $2078 (16 dancer split = $129)
2010 = $1805 (24 dancer split = $$75)
2009 = $1309 (16 dancer split = $82)
In using the above figures, 2011 was obviously a great year but it has been around the $75 mark most years that each dancer received after the funds were divided.
I am requesting board discussion & a vote be made on the following topics-
1. The General Fund contribute to the Oireachtas Team fund
2. If agreed, an amount suitable to contribute
2a. Is it a set amount or perhaps a set dancer amount. (ex. school contributes $1500 OR school contributes $75 per dancer)
Some points to keep in mind-
1. 2013 = 21-22 dancers attending
2 Workshop was going to be the biggest expense of 2013 & a good amount of money is still in the General account.
3. We have several fundraisers up & coming that should contribute greatly to the schools General Fund (ex.- Marks Pizzeria & Daily Lotto Drawing).

Thanks so much!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Board Attention Request - Oireachtas Team AllotmentDenice Welch19:52:46 09/15/13 Sun
Re: Board Attention Request - Oireachtas Team AllotmentBecky Stella20:06:58 09/15/13 Sun
Re: Board Attention Request - Oireachtas Team AllotmentMary Jo Cline08:53:24 09/16/13 Mon
Re: Board Attention Request - Oireachtas Team AllotmentKatie Wolcott18:11:23 09/16/13 Mon

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