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Subject: Mark's Pizzeria Fundraiser

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Date Posted: 18:41:47 01/29/14 Wed

Please see message below from Elisa regarding the Mark's Pizzeria fundraiser discussed back in the Fall or Summer (I can't remember which ;))
I am very interested in having the Daily Number Drawing in April and as a mandatory fundraiser for all families. Perhaps this would be a good fundraiser with part of the profits going towards "personal family accounts".

Original Message-
Hello – I have made contact with the manager....I asked for 300 cards initially to get us started (we can return whatever we don’t sell). Maybe then, each family can start with 5 to sell. The school makes $8 for each card sold (cards cost $10 each to sell). We can always get more if needed. The manager is supposed to be picking them up some time within the week...so hopefully I will have them soon.

We should be able to sell them in February if you wanted to do that (assuming he gets them this week as he told me).

I will let you know when I have them and you can let me know how you want it communicated to families, etc. or whatever you would like me to do to help with this.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Mark's Pizzeria FundraiserKatie Wolcott-Tobias08:27:25 01/30/14 Thu
Re: Mark's Pizzeria FundraiserBecky Stella13:07:46 02/01/14 Sat
Re: Mark's Pizzeria FundraiserJill Halpin08:28:10 02/03/14 Mon
Re: Mark's Pizzeria FundraiserMary Jo Cline11:46:57 02/03/14 Mon

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